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OKWASSUP!  WITH ALL THE “Angry Mob” TOWN HALL MEETINGS?  These traditional community gatherings with local congressional leaders have often been cordial, sedate and near boring.  But in light of President Obama’s desire to create national Health Care for everybody, the usually medicinal meetings have turned into name-calling “push-comes-to-shove” scuffles, often ending in police being called in just to maintain order.  Is the general public TRULY that upset at the mere discussion to provide Health Care to all Americans?  Or, does anyone besides me smell a rat? 

If one or two meetings around the country just happened to erupt into uncontrollable chaos, it may seem feasible.  But when nearly EVERY Town Hall meeting ACROSS the country erupts in the SAME uncontrollable chaos, it’s an obvious coup.  It appears that conservative Republican “Tea Party” groups have orchestrated a coordinated effort to disrupt even the mere discussion of Health Care, so they can kill it before it even reaches Congress.  As congressional leaders plan Town Hall meetings with their constituents, conservatives are being pooled in from city to city to whip the attending crowds into a chaotic frenzy.  How else is it possible that congressional leaders are often not even allowed to give their opening statement before the crowd is already going mad??  What’s there to be mad about when nothing has yet been discussed?
One such town in Maryland has a total population of 250.  But when 360 people showed up to a local Town Hall meeting to protest Health Care reform when the meeting actually had nothing to do with Health Care at all, anyone with half a brain could see what was really going on here.  A recently uncovered “Tea Party” memo has instructed its members to “pack the hall… spread out to make their numbers seem more significant, and to “rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation…to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early…. to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda…stand up and shout and sit right back down.” Is this what American democracy and a dying Republican Party has really come to?  In order to bring balance to the coordinated protests, members of the AFL-CIO are planning to send a calvary of their union reps to various Town Hall meetings for a different point of view.  But their planned efforts have already been met with violent threats, including one email that read:

“I will be going to a local town hall this weekend, all you union members BEWARE!  We will be waiting for you. better make sure you have arrangements with your local ER. today is the day when the goon meets the gun. see you there.”
Local leaders are already discussing ways to squash the angry mob mentality by holding “virtual” Town Hall meetings in the future.  Such meetings would be televised on local access channels, requiring interested participants to phone in their questions or comments, and preventing mad mob scenes from forming and creating negative sound bites like this for the evening news.  WATCH:
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Suffice it to say that the sorry display of UNcivilized and IGNORANT behavior orchestrated by Republican puppet masters_in Opposition to needed healthcare reform_and carried out by "tea-baggers" and "know-nothing" (one-in-the-same) is just one MORE glaring example of why much of the civilized WORLD has lost so much respect for the "intelligence" of most Americans.A minority bunch of right-wing rabble-rousers are defining all of America. I don't know about anybody else_but I'm TOTALLY embarrassed_smh.


I forgot to mention__Jon Stewart’s take on all of this rabid nonsense is ON POINT, as usual.See video:

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