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If you thought the whole “IS BARACK OBAMA REALLY AN AMERICAN CITIZEN?” noise was over with, you thought wrong!

Last year an independent commission traveled to Hawaii and certified that not only was Barack Obama a legal and authentic U.S. born citizen, but each member of the commission saw the original and official birth certificate with their own eyes.  Well, now it appears there are those who still just refuse to accept the reality of this BLACK man in the WHITE House.  From our friends at FOX NEWS stirring up their usual brand of trouble, to a  U.S. Soldier refusing deployment because he doesn’t recognize Mr. Obama as a legitimate Commander-in-Chief, it’s amazing what lengths some people are still going through to attempt to somehow overturn an election from 9 months ago.  It’s one thing for these groups to have such wild and outlandish opinions, but the dangerous side is they often get riled up and angry very easily at the very mention of the President’s name.  WATCH this video as a local Town Hall meeting turns into an angry and nearly out of control mob at the mere mention of the Obama name:


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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