Comments on: HERMAN CAIN DENY’S SEX CHARGES News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Nov 2011 21:47:17 +0000 Hmm??? Not sure what happened to my original response to this post??? But okay. "Is Herman Cain really guilty of sexually harassing 4 women while CEO of Godfather's Pizza?"Given that several women have now stated that they were "sexually harassed" by Cain, and at least 2 of them recieved some kind of payout AFTER they complained to *higher-ups* about Cain's "inappropriate" behavior, I'd say it sure sounds like he said and/or did *something* offensive to at least 2 of those women.  Adding to the circus: 2 women who've already held independent press conferences are now toying with the idea of doing a joint press conference.    Politico: "Attorney: Two named accusers could hold joint press conference"Karen Kraushaar one of the women accusing Hermain Cain of sexual harassment, will hold a joint press conference with accuser Sharon Bialek, even if other women who also complained about the Republican presidential hopeful won’t come forward, Kraushaar’s attorney said Wednesday.Full:"Is racism actively in the works against him? Or is Cain being politically railroaded in an attempt to ruin him so as to force him out of the presidential race?"Well. Actually, I don't view these 2 questions as mutually exclusive. In fact, I say: To the degree that "racism" may actually be playing a part in Cain's *challenges* right now, THE MEDIA (political hosts and pundit-idiots at CNN and MSNBC) are the primary offenders.And let's face it: Cain's "rise" scews up the Narrative constantly being pushed by the media AND the *establishment* in BOTH parties. The narrative being: Romney "the inevitable" GOP Presidential nominee will face off against Pres. Obama next year.Right-wing support for Cain is mucking up THAT story-line.
