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Have you ever heard of Herman Cain?  Well if you have, you already know he’s one of the latest entries in the 2012 Republican presidential primary. But if you haven’t, get ready for a rather “entertaining” example of just who Herman Cain really is.

In the interview “2012 One-on-One” with Chris Wallace on FOX NEWS Sunday, Wallace opened the program with video footage of Herman at his weekend campaign rally. Looking pompous on stage with arms outstretched, Cain boldly exclaimed to the crowd “Once I am president, Americans will be able to say, “Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty we are once again free at last.”’  HUH?

Well, in true fashion, Chris Wallace pressed hard, asking “Free from what?” before tearing into him about the specifics of the plan Cain himself had just laid out.  Wallace quickly pointed out that many of the suggestions Cain proposed just could not work under the current economic situation, backed up with information from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.  So in a surprise and bewildering move, Cain oddly agreed, saying, “If they (Republicans) had seen these things coming, and done what I am suggesting a year ago, it could have worked. But no, it will not work now.”  HUH??

So wait a minute… Cain laid out his point-by-point plan for fixing America’s problems, which is the very platform of his entire candidacy for the presidency, only to admit on the 2nd day of his run that no part of his plan would or could work???




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Many thanks to regular contributor TRUTHIZ for her lead on this story!    😀

  2. <span><span>And </span>in other related GOP "FAIL" news….. </span><span></span><span>Politico: "Democrat Hochul prevails in Repub District NY-26 Race" </span><span></span><span>Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated Republican Jane Corwin in a western New York special election that emerged as a political testing ground for the ambitious GOP blueprint to reform Medicare. Fueled by a late wave of commercials blasting Corwin over her support for the controversial House Republican budget plan, Hochul surged in a race that few initially expected her to prevail in […] </span><span></span><span>Full Read: <span&gt <a href="http://;</span&gt; </span>;</span&gt; </span><br /><span></span><span>Note: "Republicans just lost a seat that they won 76-24 just 6 months ago." That district has gone Dem only 4 times in 150 years.  </span><span></span><span>Note: Corwin was about 20 points ahead of Hochul UNTIL the GOP decided to commit political suicide by backing a sham of "Cut spending" plan otherwise known as the Paul Ryan Medicare Reform Plan. All but 4 GOP congressmen voted in support of the "right-wing social engineering plan" that uses BOGUS budget numbers to effectively kick the elderly to the curb, "privatizing" Medicare while further enriching Corporatist masters.</span><span></span><span>Welp. Turns out Republican elderly voters Reeeeeally care about this issue (AS MUCH as Dem and Independent elderly) and AIN'T having Who knew??? (pretending I'm shocked) </span><span></span><span>But Dems had better be smart about how they frame this *Win* and use it to their advantage in the BIGGER picture looking ahead to 2012. Not just short-term. Get cocky and overconfident…the Dems will blow it.  </span>

  3. <span>So wait a minute… Cain laid out his point-by-point plan for fixing America's problems, which is the very platform of his entire candidacy for the presidency, only to admit on the 2nd day of his run that no part of his plan would or could work???</span>That right there has gotta be the line of the day. 

  4. Thanks so much the *shine* DJ… 😉 !Btw: I actaully posted THIS response earlier but I've returned to discover that it's disappeared??? sooo let me try this again.MotherJones Commenter:"Cain give good speeches but CRUMBLES & STUMBLES during interviews – like Palin."BINGO! He's the Black conservative male version of Palin. And it APPEARS that AIN'T his only problem.MotherJones: "Herman Cain's Enron-esque Disaster""The story the GOP presidential candidate won't tell you about his years in corporate America."   Read:

  5. "<span><span>So wait a minute… Cain laid out his point-by-point plan for fixing America's problems, which is the very platform of his entire candidacy for the presidency, only to admit on the 2nd day of his run that no part of his plan would or could work???"</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Yep…lol Boggles the mind doesn't it?! UNLESS…</span></span><span><span>you're a "tea-bagger." </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>A significant number of them seem to love the guy…which doesn't suprise me at all. </span></span>

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