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A high school in Odessa, TX is stunned and a bit red faced after finding out that their star basketball player is not exactly who he said he was.
16-year-old Jerry Joseph, a popular and extremely talented point guard for Permian High School told locals that he was an orphan who was living with his brother in a college dorm after being a victim of the devastating Haitian earthquake earlier this year. School officials welcomed him with open arms, and his skills on the school’s basketball team were the talk of the town. But things weren’t exactly what they seemed to be. You see, it turns out that 16-year-old Jerry Joseph is actually 22-year-old Haitian immigrant Guerdwich Montimere, who was already a former high school superstar who graduated a few years ago from a high school in Florida.
The discovery came from Montimere’s former coach who first spotted the player at an event last month: “I was hoping I was wrong because he was one of our kids,” the former coach said. “He grew up in our system. He played with us and you don’t want any of your kids to go in the wrong direction in any way. That’s why I’m sad. But what’s right is right. He can’t go around impersonating a 16-year old kid. He can’t go living his youth all over again.”
After the former coach made the revelation, Permian High School received an anonymous email revealing the true identity of the star player, a fact that was hard for many to believe, especially after the man enrolled in a junior high early last year. After denying allegations for more than two weeks, the player finally confessed to police that he truly was 22-years-old and told authorities he “just wanted to play basketball.”
HAHAHAHA! Ok now this is just bizzare. He might need help.