Comments on: Hillary Creates College Tuition Plan News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:00:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:00:02 +0000 No question that for many students and their families this is a HUGE issue.

Thankfully, I never had to rely on student loans to pay for my college education.

However, the overwhelming and unfair burden placed on so many students and their families who had/have no choice but to go that route has NEVER been lost on me. And I genuinely feel for them.

Going forward, I do hope that Hillary is truly serious about tackling this issue (meaning she's actually prepared to FIGHT to bring her plan to fruition…NOT just spout rhetoric) as she pursues the Presidency. At least in that regard she will go a long way in having earned my vote for President.

When I have criticized Pres. Obama…and I certainly have done so on more than a few occasions…it was prompted by my frustration with his tendency to default to a kind of political rope-a-dope strategy when confronted with an unreasonable and hateful GOP opposing pretty much ALL of his major proposals. He counted on his enemies to wear themselves out fighting him and then he would end up winning…albeit just barely winning…by having to settle for a watered-down version of his actual plan (SEE The Afforable Heathcare Act aka Obamacare).

Would Obama have won many of those battles if he had put up a real fight? Probably not. But that does't mean he shouldn't have *fought the good fight" anway.
