
Hillary Health Scare Extremely Overblown?

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Is the Hillary Clinton health scare overblown?
Is the Hillary Clinton health scare overblown?

Politics –
Hillary Health Scare Extremely Overblown?

Over the weekend, the world learned that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is suffering from a bout of pneumonia, which gave birth to a ton of frightening predictions, conspiracy theories, contingency plans and more.  Have rumors of her demise been greatly exaggerated?

It was the video that shocked a nation:  an overheated Hillary Clinton being forced to leave a 9/11 commemoration event in New York on Sunday, only to nearly collapse twice before being helped into her vehicle and raced to daughter Chelsea Clinton’s nearby home to regain her composure.

On Friday, the Democratic nominee was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, which is information her campaign kept a secret… until her public appearance on 9/11 revealed all.  The timing of her health scare and near collapse in public couldn’t have come at a worse time.  For weeks, Donald Trump has been questioning Mrs. Clinton’s health and stamina for the presidency. Then, on Sunday, she handed Trump a prized political gift:  proof of her poor health on a silver platter.

hillary-sickness-trumpAt least for now, Donald Trump has remained uncharacteristically silent on Hillary’s health, saying on Monday that he only hopes she gets well soon. However, one can almost hear the wheels over at Trump headquarters churning with plans to exploit the pneumonia scare and use it as political ammunition against her sooner than later.  Is this fair?

Had Hillary Clinton’s public health scare revealed a serious or even terminal illness, the nervous reaction from Democratic donors and Republican strategists might have been warranted.  However, pneumonia is almost as common today as getting the flu and is something easily cured with antibiotics over a 3-7 day period.  So, why all the hoopla over Hillary?  Had Donald Trump contracted pneumonia, would the reaction be the same?

On Monday, some Democrats considered the remote possibility that perhaps there IS something seriously wrong with Mrs. Clinton’s health.  These same Democrats began combing through party bylaws to determine the available options in the event of a “worse case scenario.” Interestingly, if Hillary Clinton were to drop out of the presidential race for health reasons, her VP pick Tim Kaine would not automatically become the nominee.  That prize could go to primary runner-up Sen. Bernie Sanders or even current vice-president Joe Biden.  Hmmm…

Still, we’re only talking about a case of pneumonia and not congenital heart failure.

Are questions about Hillary Clinton’s health just another example of the sexist bias levied against her on a regular basis?  Or, could there be something to her health concerns and readiness to become Commander-In-Chief?



OK WASSUP! discusses politics, including
Hillary Clinton’s health scare concerns.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ:
    Are questions about Hillary Clinton’s health just another example of the sexist bias levied against her on a regular basis? […]

    Yes. …and No.

    Yes – because Trump hasn't released jack about his actual health status. Spare me that ridicules letter written by that quack doctor (Trump found somewhere) attesting to Trump's supposed stellar health. <rolling my eyes>

    Trump is a pathological liar. Why wouldn't he lie about his health? He lies about pretty much everything.

    No- because she and her campaign chose to handle this entire situation so poorly. Given that she was already widely perceived as being patently "dishonest" by so many voters, WHY pray tell would she be so *secretive* about this if THIS is all there is to the story?

    Just a really stupid move on her part, IMO. Especially since her doctor had reportedly recommended she get 48-72 hrs of complete bed-rest. But Nooo. Hillary couldn't do that. Instead, she ignored that directive and ended up looking totally debilitated in front of the entire world.

    The video clearly shows her appearing frail/weak and unable able to stand even with assistance, effectively playing right into the hands of her enemies and further bolstering the right-wing claim "she's hiding something.more serious"

    This is all on Hillary. And she has no one to blame but herself for all of this overblown nonsense.

    Or, could there be something to her health concerns and readiness to become Commander-In-Chief? […]

    Personally, I don't believe there is. But Yes…it's certainly possible.

  2. …..and on a related note…….

    "Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan"

    The Democratic National Committee should identify a potential backup candidate for Hillary Clinton in case a health emergency forces her out of the race, a former head of the party told Politico Monday.

    Don Fowler, who led the DNC from 1995 to 1997 under Bill Clinton's presidency, called for a contingency plan after Clinton was seen stumbling after a 9/11 memorial event Sunday.

    "Now is the time for all good political leaders to come to the aid of their party. I think the plan should be developed by 6 o'clock this afternoon," Folwer told Politico.

    He said he expects Clinton to recover from her bout with pneumonia, which forced her to leave an event early Sunday, but that the DNC would be amiss not to consider other options.

    "It's something you would be a fool not to prepare for," he said.

    Clinton aides said Monday she will return to the campaign trail later this week.

    The campaign also plans to release more detailed medical records soon. […]

    H/T: MSN

  3. I'm on both sides of this. If all Hillary had was a bad cold or something and she stumbled because of the heat, would that be a big deal at all? Well all she has is pnumonia and even though it is serious it's not that bad either. Maybe she should have told it to the public but it's also her private health business. Nobody is forced to tell their health records to the public because it's against the law. Also she got the news only two days before 9-11 so yes it might be overblown. Hopefully there is nothing more wrong with her. But the fact people are already assuming there is does make it kind of sexist. Let the lady live and give her a chance. If she is sick more than we know it will all come out. But for now we know what she has and she is getting treated for it. We should move on until there is something to be concerned about.

  4. From CNN:
    "Can't a girl have a sick day or two?"

    CNN's Christiane Amanpour posed that very question after Hillary Clinton's health was thrust into the spotlight after her wobbling departure Sunday at ground zero. Video of Clinton showed the Democratic presidential nominee leaving a 9/11 ceremony early, wobbling and slumping as she entered her vehicle. Several hours after the incident, the Clinton campaign revealed that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.
    Amanpour on Monday addressed criticism lodged at the Clinton campaign for waiting two days to inform the public about her pneumonia diagnosis by pointing out what she said is a history of the media shielding health problems of American presidents.
    "Surely this can't be a case of a human being having an off day," Amanpour said sarcastically. "No, like so many things Hillary the media are having a field day. Off to the races with another debilitating case of indignant outrage. This must be another typical Clinton conspiracy to fool them with a total transparency breakdown."
    On the issue of a 'transparency breakdown,' Amanpour points out the fact that Republican nominee Donald Trump has yet to release his tax returns.
    Donald Trump says he took physical last week, will release 'when the numbers come in'
    "When it comes to overqualified women having to try 100 times harder than underqualified men to get a break, or even a level playing field — well, we know that story." Amanpour said.
    Amanpour went on to highlight past U.S. presidents with health incidents or problems.
    "Who can ever forget George Bush senior throwing up over the Japanese prime minister and then fainting at a state dinner?" Amanpour said. "And he oversaw the fall of the Soviet Union and even won the first Gulf War."
    "John F. Kennedy saved the world from possible nuclear Armageddon during the Cuban Missile Crisis, called for a new frontier in space and generally inspired whole generations around the globe," Amanpour said. "While the press kept secret his painful struggle with Addison's disease — leading the world in sickness and in health."
    "If the boys can do it, why not the women."

  5. Aaand speaking of the supposed release of Trump's medical records…….

    "Trump Camp Contradicts Dr. Oz Claim That He'll Analyze Trump Health Records"

    Donald Trump's campaign on Wednesday morning said that the candidate would not reveal his medical records during an interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz, contradicting the TV doctor's claim that he would analyze Trump's medical records on his show.

    Campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told CNN Money that Dr. Oz would not discuss the results of Trump's recent physical during the interview set to air Thursday, and instead would discuss the Republican nominee's health habits. NBC News reportedthat Trump's campaign planned to release his medical records "soon."

    Hicks told CNN that releasing the results of Trump's physical on Oz's show was "considered, given the timing and platform," but she said plans to do so were "never finalized."

    During an interview on Fox News Wednesday morning, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway confirmed that Trump will not release the results of his physical during his interview with Dr. Oz.

    Fox Host Martha MacCallum asked Conway why the campaign will not release Trump's records on the show.

    "On a TV show? I don’t think that he should —" Conway responded.

    MacCalllum jumped in to ask, "But that was the original plan, wasn't it?"

    "No," Conway replied."He was going to talk about the fact that he had a physical and what the results are or what the doctor may have told him to date." […..]

    HAH. The media gets PLAYED again by that lying-azz Con-man. Of course…smh.

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