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It’s now less than one week before the all-important 2012 presidential election.  The stakes couldn’t be higher and the voters couldn’t be — well — stupider!

While watching the latest political shows and polls over the weekend, I was struck by one in particular from CNN.  The cable network interviewed various voters in North Carolina and Virginia, asking for whom they would vote for on November 6th.  Unsurprisingly, a majority of the answers were a bit… surprising.

Several voters acknowledged that although they voted for President Obama in 2008, they would not support him again in 2012 simply because he hasn’t kept all the promises he made 4 year ago and was therefore unworthy of a 2nd term.  Really??

That type of ignorance prompted me to create this mini history lesson, in hopes of educating those who just don’t get it.

The United States is predicated on 3 branches of government: Judicial (i.e. the Supreme Court), Legislative (Congress and Senate) and Executive (the president). These 3 branches of government cannot usually act without the assistance or permission of the other. For example, the Supreme Court does not invent laws, but are instead charged with enforcing the laws the other 2 branches of government create.  Congress also cannot usually enact a new law without the signature of the president.  These 3 branches of government must work in tandem with the other in order for the business of government to function.  But when one of those branches “acts up,” it can have a devastating affect on the success of a functioning nation.

On the day  President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, an envious and vindictive Republican congress vowed to ruin his presidency by refusing to cooperate.  They boasted that saying NO! to any and everything the president presented to them would become their NUMBER 1 priority — and so far, they’ve kept their word.

Although it is true that President Obama has not kept every single promise he presented in 2008, it’s not because he hasn’t tried or just didn’t want to.  On the contrary.  The Republican wing of the legislative branch of government has used a political maneuver to block nearly everything Mr. Obama has presented to them — even at the expense of the country — just to make him appear as a failure.  They believed that by 2012, uninformed voters would realize he didn’t deliver on all of his promises and would therefore blame HIM instead of the GOP leaders in congress who were actually at fault.  What a strategy, especially since it worked!

So to all those voters in North Carolina, Virginia and around the country who believe we need a new president because Mr. Obama has failed to keep his word, wake up and realize that you’re being bamboozled and hoodwinked.  Educate yourselves, learn the facts and realize it’s Mitt Romney’s Republican cronies who blocked the president, who blocked quite a bit of proposed advancements that could be benefiting you now, and who are laughing at how easy it was to make fools of the American electorate and escape all blame for their political game.





DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ, yesterday your survey asked "Is Racism Affecting The Election?"

    My answer: I believe this election is being affected by both, politics AND race. But I forgot to include another significant factor that you mentioned in your post today, "ignorance."

    Until Nov. 6th we won't know with certainty which of these factors will emerge as the most influential on the majority of voters.

    If it's racism and/or ignorance (along with the President's dreadful performance in debate #1 still lingering in the minds of voters just looking for an excuse NOT to vote for him) ..well…the President could very well lose this election.

    I still think he's more likely to be re-elected. However at this point I'm cautiously optimistic.

  2. I like this post alot. Take em to school DJ. Like they say, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Too bad ignorance is leading a lot of folks to the polls.

  3. I'd like to see some more information in this post with hard facts about how they blocked him and specifically what they blocked him from doing. Links to articles and documents showing exactly what they did would add to the credibility of your views. So far all I see here are claims with nothing to back them up. Not that I'm for Romney or Obama either way, I just don't believe anything that's said like this if there's no evidence to back it up. I'll keep an eye out for some evidence and comment again.

  4. ……want to share this Quote for the Day…….

    "Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign says it still has momentum. President Barack Obama’s campaign says that’s all spin. Meanwhile, there ISN'T a single well-informed pundit between them who can tell you who’s right."

    Read: "Media Stumped by 2012 Outcome"

    You got THAT right. Which is exactly why I stopped paying pundit-idiots AND polls any mind a long time ago.

    Check this out: "Gallup suspends daily tracking poll"

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