Comments on: HISTORY LESSON News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Wed, 31 Oct 2012 19:57:18 +0000 ……want to share this Quote for the Day…….

"Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign says it still has momentum. President Barack Obama’s campaign says that’s all spin. Meanwhile, there ISN'T a single well-informed pundit between them who can tell you who’s right."

Read: "Media Stumped by 2012 Outcome"

You got THAT right. Which is exactly why I stopped paying pundit-idiots AND polls any mind a long time ago.

Check this out: "Gallup suspends daily tracking poll"

By: jtomlinson Wed, 31 Oct 2012 18:45:28 +0000 I'd like to see some more information in this post with hard facts about how they blocked him and specifically what they blocked him from doing. Links to articles and documents showing exactly what they did would add to the credibility of your views. So far all I see here are claims with nothing to back them up. Not that I'm for Romney or Obama either way, I just don't believe anything that's said like this if there's no evidence to back it up. I'll keep an eye out for some evidence and comment again.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:49:03 +0000 I like this post alot. Take em to school DJ. Like they say, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Too bad ignorance is leading a lot of folks to the polls.

By: Truthizz Wed, 31 Oct 2012 11:47:58 +0000 DJ, yesterday your survey asked "Is Racism Affecting The Election?"

My answer: I believe this election is being affected by both, politics AND race. But I forgot to include another significant factor that you mentioned in your post today, "ignorance."

Until Nov. 6th we won't know with certainty which of these factors will emerge as the most influential on the majority of voters.

If it's racism and/or ignorance (along with the President's dreadful performance in debate #1 still lingering in the minds of voters just looking for an excuse NOT to vote for him) ..well…the President could very well lose this election.

I still think he's more likely to be re-elected. However at this point I'm cautiously optimistic.
