History Made By Hillary!

Politics –
History Made By Hillary!
It’s all over but the shouting. Hillary Clinton is now the history making presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party to become President of the United States.
The Democrats have once again proved themselves to be a party of firsts. Looking back 8 years ago, Barack Obama became the first African-American to secure the nomination of a major political party. Now, the first female has secured the nomination of a major political party.
Over the weekend, Puerto Rico theoretically put Mrs. Clinton over the top. However, it was Tuesday’s results in New Jersey, South Dakota, New Mexico and California that made the math indisputable.
Speaking to a capacity crowd near her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, Mrs. Clinton pledged to build on the achievements of trailblazing women, like the 19th-century leaders at Seneca Falls, N.Y., who began the fight for women’s rights in America.
“Tonight caps an amazing journey — a long, long journey,” Mrs. Clinton said as a jubilant crowd waved American flags and chanted her name. “We all owe so much to those who came before, and tonight belongs to all of you.”
The presumptive nominee also praised Sen. Sanders and his passionate supporters, saying that “vigorous debate” had been “very good for the Democratic Party and America.”
Later in the evening and after making huge cuts in his campaign staff, Bernie Sanders addressed a huge crowd in Los Angeles. Saying he is “very good at arithmetic,” Sanders seemed resigned to the obvious: that the nomination will not belong to him. Although he did not concede, his body language and choice of words suggested he is beginning to wind down.
Sanders vowed to do everything possible to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. He also promised to continue his campaign at least through next Tuesday, so as to allow voters in the District of Columbia (the final primary) to cast their ballots. However, Sanders made sure to tell his supporters “we are all in this together,” which seemed to be his way of beginning the process to unite the Democratic Party.
Donald Trump, who spent the day ducking fire from Democrats and Republicans alike regarding his criticism of “Mexican” federal judge, Gonzalo P. Curiel, also spoke to supporters. Obviously accepting the advice of his handlers not to screw up, Trump used a teleprompter to deliver prepared remarks, which is far different from his typical “off-the-cuff” style. The GOP nominee pledged to make Republicans “proud of our party and our movement,” but he did not apologize for or even address his comments on race. Instead, “The Donald” said he just will not talk about the Judge Curiel comments anymore — although the rest of the world almost certainly will.
In light of her victory, Hillary Clinton released a new campaign video which spoke to the history of the moment. Take a look:
The Democrats have once again proved themselves to be a party of firsts. Looking back 8 years ago, Barack Obama became the first African-American to secure the nomination of a major political party. Now, the first female has secured the nomination of a major political party. [….]
I stayed up last night until the polls in California closed and it was clear she was going to wrap-up her great night by winning that state also. Btw- I knew she was going to win California despite the media babbling on about pre-primary "polls" showing a supposed "dead-heat" race between she and Sanders the past week or so. She beat him 56% to 43.1%..
I'm just incredibly Proud of her, as a woman, as a Democrat and, most importantly, as an American!
Leaving aside her support from most of the Super-delegates…………………
The truth is, Hillary won this nomination fair and square in both pledged delegates AND overwhelmingly in Popular votes. And there are still more votes to be added coming in the final contest next week in D.C.
All in all, an Outstanding achievement, for her, for the Democrat Party and most assuredly for this Great nation and Our history!
Re: Trump and the very scripted and painfully restrained speech he delivered last night.
The Republican leadership has truly done themselves…and their party…in. It's quite something to witness.
Trump IS who he IS. Period. And NO amount of wishing and hoping, on the part of the Repub leadership, that Trump will suddenly become someone other than who he is….a man who is totally "Unfit" for the office of the presidency…will make it so.
In fact, because Trump IS who he is, and he cannot help himself, he will spend from now until November proving that very point, over and over and over again. Of that I am sure.
The man serves a constituency of One…and only One.
"Dump the G.O.P. for a Grand New Party"
If a party could declare moral bankruptcy, today’s Republican Party would be in Chapter 11.
This party needs to just shut itself down and start over — now. Seriously, someone please start a New Republican Party!
America needs a healthy two-party system. America needs a healthy center-right party to ensure that the Democrats remain a healthy center-left party. America needs a center-right party ready to offer market-based solutions to issues like climate change. America needs a center-right party that will support common-sense gun laws. America needs a center-right party that will support common-sense fiscal policy. America needs a center-right party to support both free trade and aid to workers impacted by it. America needs a center-right party that appreciates how much more complicated foreign policy is today, when you have to manage weak and collapsing nations, not just muscle strong ones.
But this Republican Party is none of those things. Today’s G.O.P. is to governing what Trump University is to education — an ethically challenged enterprise that enriches and perpetuates itself by shedding all pretense of standing for real principles, or a truly relevant value proposition, and instead plays on the ignorance and fears of the public.
It is just an empty shell, selling pieces of itself to the highest bidders, — policy by policy — a little to the Tea Party over here, a little to Big Oil over there, a little to the gun lobby, to antitax zealots, to climate-change deniers. And before you know it, the party stands for an incoherent mess of ideas unrelated to any theory of where the world is going or how America actually becomes great again in the 21st century.
It becomes instead a coalition of men and women who sell pieces of their brand to whoever can most energize their base in order for them to get re-elected in order for them to sell more pieces of their brand in order to get re-elected.
And we know just how little they are attached to any principles, because today’s Republican Party’s elders have told us so by (with a few notable exceptions) being so willing to throw their support behind a presidential candidate whom they know is utterly ignorant of policy, has done no homework, has engaged in racist attacks on a sitting judge, has mocked a disabled reporter, has impugned an entire religious community, and has tossed off ignorant proposals for walls, for letting allies go it alone and go nuclear and for overturning trade treaties, rules of war and nuclear agreements in ways that would be wildly destabilizing if he took office. […] Thomas Friedman, NYTimes writer (and Republican)
Congrats to Hillary because what she has accomplished is a big deal and I'm glad to see it happen to the Democrats. Her speech was right on point for the history and she is definitely ready for the job. As for Bernie Sanders I stayed up late to watch him. I know this is a hard time for him and all but I wasn't impressed with him. He came off like a angry old man always telling you get off his lawn. He always said the person with the most votes should get the super delegates. But Hillarly got the most votes. Now he wants to convince the super delegates to vote for him anyway. He looks like a sore loser who is going to pout unless he gets his way. Then Trump looked like a gorilla dressed in a tuxedo. He was so uncomfortable having to reading from a script its made me uncomfortable. He is trying to make everybody forget what happen just one day before but it won't go away no matter how many calm speeches he gives. Anyway congrats Hillary. But its time to go home Bernie and Trump you just keep destroying the Repub party.
Well said BD, on all points….especially regarding Sanders.
And though Bernie's NOT a Democrat, he ran as a Democrat. And he lost….to Hillary (a true Democrat).
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But NOT their own facts. <looking squarely at Sanders and his supporters>
Here are the facts: To date, she's beating him by nearly 4 MILLION votes:
Clinton – 15,729,913 votes
Sanders – 12,009,562 votes
Source: Real Clear Politics
Time for Sanders to bow out and get on with doing his part to unite the party as he's said he would do.