Donald Trump Taxes And Other Trouble
The Donald Trump taxes are headlining a very bad week for the former Oval Office occupant.
Politics :
When Trump ran for president in 2016, he swore that he really wanted to be a good boy and release his tax returns like every other candidate in modern times. However, Trump claimed that an ongoing IRS audit prevented him from making his tax records public — and he vowed that just as soon as the audit was complete he would make good on his promise and show the world his financial records.

That was 2016.
Fast-forward 6 years to 2022 and the ‘Mar-a-Lago man’ still never released the Donald Trump taxes. Thankfully, Congress came up with a plan to help Trump stay true to his word.
On Tuesday night, the Donald Trump taxes were finally made public by House Democrats, instantly displaying why he worked so hard to keep his tax documents a carefully guarded secret.
According to POLITICO, Trump repeatedly paid little or nothing in federal income taxes between 2015 and 2020 despite reporting millions in earnings. More specifically, he paid a measly $750 in 2016. The following year he again paid just $750. In 2020, he didn’t pay a dime.

On Wednesday, MSNBC’s MORNING JOE co-host Mika Brzezinski took pleasure in dragging Trump through the wringer by acknowledging that a lot of people — particularly Democrats — were 100% right about Trump.
“It proves that Hillary Clinton was right all along,” Brzezinski said. “Nancy Pelosi was right all along; Chuck Schumer was right all along; the Democrats were right all along. Reporting from The New York Times was right all along; the Washington Post, too, was 100% correct all along. Donald Trump was not under audit. Donald Trump was lying. He was desperate to hide the truth from Americans.”
Now, it’s clear that Trump was gaming the system, cooking the books, and juggling the amount of money he actually earned against the money he was reporting (or, at least pretending to have to the American public). It’s no wonder why he’s cowering in embarrassment as his coveted financial records have been shown to the entire world against his will — proving the old adage that what goes on in the dark always comes to the light.

The release of the Donald Trump taxes comes on the heels of more bad news for ‘The Donald.’
Evangelicals and other previously die-hard Trump supporters have begun dropping him like a bad habit. The waning support prompted former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton to predict that his one-time boss will likely drop out of the 2024 presidential race just to avoid the embarrassment of losing (again).
It was also revealed that Trump is so egotistical and in need of constant attention, that he has hired an aide to follow him around on his golf course (complete with a computer and portable printer) just to show him positive news articles and other online stories being written about him.
Oh, Donald…
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Donald Trump taxes and other bad news.
Now, it’s clear that Trump was gaming the system, cooking the books, and juggling the amount of money he actually earned against the money he was reporting (or, at least pretending to have to the American public). […] – DJ
That Trump has been lying about Everything related to his life (especially his income and taxes) and desperate to hide the truth from the public comes as NO surprise to anyone, including his sycophants, flunkies and even gullible voters. They all know Who and What his is. A malignant narcissist, a serial lying grifter, an insecure FAKE “Rambo” and Total. Fraud.
But what’s the IRS’s excuse for NOT doing their job and actually auditing his lying and corrupt azz?!
That is a good question I have thought about too Truth. Why did the IRS not do their job? Did he have people on the inside covering from him maybe?
Evangelicals and other previously die-hard Trump supporters have begun dropping him like a bad habit. […] – DJ
Uh-huh. Talibangelicals are fooling no one. They exposed themselves!
And now ALL of America knows Who and What they are too!
Or should I say their support of Trump simply Confirmed what many of Us have always known about them.
They are Haters, extremally Fearful, know-nothings, Nutjobs and Full of sh*t.
Lol I do not trust any of them as far as I can spit. They all used each other but now they want to jump off the train because Trump is not worth using anymore.
It is kind of funny things are not looking good for Trump these days. I have to agree with John Bolton, Trump is going to find a way to get out of the president race for 2024. He thought if he ran he would be back on top with everybody but that is not the case. He is not getting the attention he needs. No wonder he hired a girl to read him articles about himself that were good.