
House Speaker Donald Trump???

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Ladies and gentlemen, introducing House Speaker Donald Trump.  No, you’re not dreaming, but it’s a nightmare that could soon become a reality!

No matter how much he continues to kick and scream and pretend (in his own mind) that he’s still president, Trump knows in his heart of hearts that it just ain’t so.  So do countless Republicans who once never dared to refer to Joe Biden as the “P” word, but now let the words “President Biden” flow trippingly from their tongues.

House Speaker Donald Trump

However, with recount after recount continuously returning the same losing result (and still not sending Trump back to the Oval Office), ReTrumplicans are beginning to look at other ways they can restore Trump’s stature and return their king to political greatness.

So, hold onto your hats, but have you heard the latest idea they’ve pulled out of their asses?  It’s House Speaker Donald Trump!

Yes, you read correctly and no, this is not a joke (although it really is a joke when you stop to think about it).

Realizing that they lost The White House in 2020, Republicans have already started looking ahead to the midterm elections in 2022.  They believe they could regain control of the US Senate and even the House of Representatives — which would give them power to remove Speaker Nancy Pelosi and replace her with a GOP choice of their own.

And the choice that is already being seriously discussed is none other than House Speaker Donald Trump.

House Speaker Donald Trump

Due to an obscure congressional rule, the Speaker of the House doesn’t actually have to be an elected member of Congress.  He or she could be anyone the majority of House members select — and Trump-flunkies on Capitol Hill are already pining for House Speaker Donald Trump.

“There’s a lot of buzz out there that Donald Trump would even be potentially someone they’d crown as Speaker of the House if the Republicans get the majority back,” Trump supporter Matt Schlapp said on Newsmax late last week.  “It’s an interesting conversation about Trump inserting himself in the fight for the Republicans to get back the majority.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy also weighed in on the idea.

“You know, I’ve talked to President Trump many times. He tells me he wants to be speaker,” McCarthy said on Fox News (this could get interesting since McCarthy also desires to be Speaker).

The ‘House Speaker Donald Trump’ idea was born by former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon in late February.  However, ‘The Donald’ himself gave the idea legs last week when he said on conservative radio that the idea was “very interesting.”

If Republicans do win back control of the House and do select Trump as Speaker of the House, it would give him enormous control within Washington.  Not only would he regain relevance by having an official Washington title and clout again, but he’d attract the media attention he’s missed and desperately craves.  He’d be physically in person on the Hill to use his bully tactics against Republicans in Congress to do his bidding.  Additionally, presidential succession dictates that as House Speaker, Trump would be 2nd in line to the presidency — only behind Vice-President Kamala Harris.

House Speaker Donald Trump

Ironically, Donald Trump is the man who sent a violent mob to Capitol Hill to “hang” Mike Pence and hunt down other members of Congress to harm them on January 6th.  Now, Republicans want to hand the speakership and the keys to the House of Representatives to that same man.

You really can’t make this stuff up, folks!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Are you ready for House Speaker Donald Trump?


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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If Republicans do win back control of the House and do select Trump as Speaker of the House, it would give him enormous control within Washington.  Not only would he regain relevance by having an official Washington title and clout again, but he’d attract the media attention he’s missed and desperately craves.  He’d be physically in person on the Hill to use his bully tactics against Republicans in Congress to do his bidding.  Additionally, presidential succession dictates that as House Speaker, Trump would be 2nd in line to the presidency — only behind Vice-President Kamala Harris. […] – DJ

Uh-huh. And WE (the majority of American voters) would have no one to blame but Ourselves for that unmitigated catastrophe.   


I have a flight today so I get to post with the early birds. But this is a big no and hard pass for me. Are Repubs really so ignorant to put that man in charge of congress if they get the chance? He would not know how to even run a simple vote. This would be a big disaster waiting to happen.


Have a safe trip BD. The Delta variant has me still a little too afraid to get back on a plane just yet.

But depending on what’s happening with the virus in Sept. or Oct., I hope to feel more comfortable about flying by then. I really miss Savannah (GA) and Dallas and I’m long overdue for a visit to both cities.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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