Current Events

– The woman Ensign had the affair with is Cynthia Hampton, who is the current wife of Ensign’s Administrative Assistant Douglas Hampton. It’s been reported that Douglas Hampton threatened to blackmail Ensign unless he publicly admitted the affair and resigned his GOP leadership post. Revenge!
– Reports of financial impropriety on behalf of Ensign and his cohorts are now surfacing, and can be best explained by clicking HERE.
– Ensign has always played the role of being a living role model of conservative Christian “Family Values.” He was extremely aggressive in trying to get then-Sen. Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) to resign after his arrest in an airport bathroom gay sex sting. And, he was one of the most vocal conservatives in calling for President Bill Clinton to resign following Mr. Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, saying “the truth MUST come out.” Ironically, the truth did come out…on him!
Hypocrisy has long engulfed the Republican Party _as has bigotry, racism, sexism, christianism, neoCONservatism, war-mongerism, Pro-fetism and “name your social phobia”.What a party_smh!Are the Dems “saints”? Nope. And to their credit, they were never that stupid or cynical to make such a patently absurd claim. The “family values” bunch_is today what it’s been FOR DECADES_little more than a pathetic, phony-azz sham of a political party, run by pathetic, phony-azz (mostly sexually repressed) upper middle-aged, and OLD, white guys, with NOT an ounce of integrity, conscience, or shame.Pitiful.
The differece is Democrats don't pretend to be all high and mighty christian saints in public but doing everything under the sun in private. I'm glad this hypocrit got caught with his pants down. Expose more! lol