Current Events

Hurricane Florence, Maria Top This Week’s News

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Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Maria top this week’s news — especially when you toss Donald Trump into the mix.

Current Events
As of this writing, Hurricane Florence is barreling toward the southeastern seaboard of the United States, expecting to wreak havoc from Virginia to the Carolinas.  However, instead of offering words of encouragement to those forced to evacuate the area or to those who’ve chosen to stay, Donald Trump spent most of the day Thursday attempting to settle old scores from Hurricane Maria while deflecting blame for the biggest natural disaster in the history of Puerto Rico.

Hurricane Florence

Despite government estimates that 3000 people died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, ‘The Donald’ decided to pick a fight with the people of Puerto Rico, claiming that their numbers are “fake news” generated by the Democrats in order to make him look bad.





What Trump has failed to realize is that by fighting with the people of Puerto Rico (who are STILL suffering from the effects of the storm) and by not focusing his full attention on those Americans in the line of fire for Hurricane Florence, he is doing a good enough job on his own making HIMSELF look bad!


OK WASSUP! discusses Current Events:
Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Maria, and Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Re; Trump’s denial of the deaths of 3,000 American citizens in Puerto Rico, directly and indirectly related to Hurricane Maria

    There is no bottom to the guy. He LACKS a conscience, the ability to feel Empathy, or shame, or remorse, for ANYTHING.

    In the words of Tony Schwartz (Trump’s ghostwriter), Trump is an empty “black hole.” The “complete sense of emptiness inside him” is “the tragedy” of Trump.

    Clearly Trump is a flaming narcissist. Schwartz also likens Trump to a “sociopath.” I agree with that assessment.

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