Current Events

Hurricane Henri And The Central Park Concert That Wasn’t

- Storm barrels up eastern seaboard and abruptly cancels NYC COVID 'victory' concert

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Just when you thought your plate was already full with COVID and its multiple variants, Mother Nature came along over the weekend and dished out a heaping helping of Hurricane Henri to residents of the US east coast.

Current Events
On Saturday and Sunday, Hurricane Henri barreled its way up the eastern seaboard with 70+ MPH winds, taking direct aim at New York’s Long Island and New England’s Martha’s Vineyard. By Sunday morning, massive flooding, downed trees, and widespread power outages were predicted as residents were warned to hunker down and stay safe.  By Sunday evening, Henri was downgraded to a tropical storm as it made landfall along the Connecticut and Massachusetts border.

Hurricane Henri

One of the early victims of Hurricane Henri was New York City and its mayor, Bill DeBlasio.

Assuming that COVID would have been much more under control by now, DeBlasio announced a “victory” concert on the Great Lawn of New York’s iconic Central Park as sort of a celebration of the pending reopening of Broadway shows and other Big Apple entertainment following an 18-month long pandemic shutdown.

The “We Love NYC: The Homecoming Concert” was broadcast live on CNN and required all attendees to show proof of vaccination status prior to being allowed entry into the park. Some attendees got vaccinated just to attend the concert and the chance to see live performances from Jennifer Hudson, Earth Wind & Fire, Bruce Springsteen, and others.

“We were once the epicenter of this virus, and now we’ve moved to being the epicenter of the recovery. We gather for a common purpose: to say, ‘Welcome back, New York City!’” – Gayle King, concert host

However, fate and Mother Nature got together and decided it was much too soon and presumptuous to celebrate a victory over COVID and doused concert-goers with a teaser from Hurricane Henri — complete with buckets of rain and dangerous lightning strikes right in the middle of a medley of hits from Barry Manilow.

Hurricane Henri
Mayor DeBlasio begs concertgoers to stay as weather sends them scurrying.

“Please seek shelter for your safety,” an announcer said interrupting the singer’s set and warning concert attendees to leave the park immediately. However, so as not to be outdone, DeBlasio raced the stage and told everyone to stay near the park in hopes that the concert could resume. It didn’t.

The crowds were sent home and the comeback concert was brought to an abrupt halt.

With breakthrough COVID cases on the rise and the Delta Variant sending even fully vaccinated Americans to the ICU, the notion of a recovery celebration in this place and time was odd at best. Still, DeBlasio thought it was a good idea to ignore any risk of his concert being a superspreader event and to move forward full speed ahead.

Hurricane Henri

It was the right idea — at the absolute wrong time!

So much for proceeding with an outdoor concert on the weekend of a major national weather disaster. And, so much for hosting a “Mission Accomplished” performance long before the mission was actually accomplished.


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Hurricane Henri cancels NYC victory concert.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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[It was the right idea — at the absolute wrong time!

So much for proceeding with an outdoor concert on the weekend of a major national weather disaster. And, so much for hosting a “Mission Accomplished” performance long before the mission was actually accomplished. ] – DJ

DJ, my good man you took ALL these worlds right out of my mouth. And thank you for doing this story! 

As watched the run-up to this PREDITCABLE fiasco, beginning LAST FRIDAY, I kept checking The Weather Channel as they forecasted the probable track of Henri. Then I would turn to CNN (and MSNBC) and see the clock ticking down the hours, minutes and seconds to the start of the “NYC Homecoming Concert.” I said to myself…….

….and WE wonder how Trump got into the White House!?! 

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

Ooops…I meant to say……..

DJ, my good man you took ALL these words right out of my mouth. And thank you for doing this story! 

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

AP: At the start of the star-filled “Homecoming” concert in New York’s Central Park on Saturday evening, Gayle King pointed out to the crowd of tens of thousands that the sun finally appeared on what had been an otherwise cloudy day. “We’re going to party, New York-style,” said the CBS television personality. Less than three hours later, the party was cut short — in the middle of Barry Manilow’s high-energy performance — because of a torrential rainstorm that brought thunder and lightning. Many of the scheduled big-name artists, including Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, Elvis Costello, and Patti Smith, never got to take the stage. In some ways, the whole mess — and I was there and left the scene like a wet dishrag — could be considered a metaphor for New York as it continues to grapple with a pandemic that has now challenged the city for nearly a year… Read more »


You know it took me quite a few years to accept the Truth about Most of the people who run Our country, at ALL levels of government and ALL branches of the military; even fortune 500 companies and colleges/universities of supposedly “HIGHER” education.

I didn’t want to think that somehow over the past 35 yrs or so I’m living in a time in American history when a “Never Before” quite alarming kind of history was/is playing out before my very eyes. But I’m way past accepting that Truth now.

The truth is, the majority of those in positions of great power and wealth in Our courtly are MOSTLY arrogant and dumb-azz Clowns; trust-fund babies in grown-up bodies; poseurs, grifters and wannabes with NOT a “shIttin-azz” clue about much in life…least of all how to LEAD competently.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

I get what they were trying to do. But I always thought that concert was a bad idea. There was a hurricane coming plus Covid is getting worse. So why are they celebrating? I was out Saturday and got home after the show had already started. I think I saw fifteen minutes before the storm shut the whole thing down. Half the acts never even got to perform. All that for nothing. Anyway I hope nobody gets sick from going there.

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