Liar, Liar: Trump Debate Debunked

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Liar, Liar: Trump Debate Debunked
Now that Debate Round 1 has come and gone, fact checkers from all over the world have gone into overdrive sifting through the words of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from Monday’s slugfest. Their conclusion: Donald Trump is a liar to the nth degree!
Trump had a very simple task. All he had to do was show up, not trip over his own feet, and spend 90 measly minutes trying to convince America that he could actually make this president thing work. Despite a strong start, he failed miserably.
You see, at 70 years old, Trump has created a history of quotes, sayings, bloopers and blunders that have been documented on videotape for perpetuity. Too bad on Monday, he was the last to remember this well-known fact.
In short, Donald Trump is a liar. For all the times he spent Monday telling the viewing public “I never said that,” fact checkers were standing at the ready with video proof that he actually DID say that.
Here are just a few of the findings from the debunkers of Donald Trump:
HILLARY: “You know, Donald was very fortunate in his life and that’s all to his benefit. He started his business with $14 million, borrowed from his father.”
DONALD: “My father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and I built it into a company that’s worth many, many billions of dollars.” — Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton is correct. According to The Wall Street Journal, a 1985 casino-license disclosure proves Trump’s father lent him $14 million (which is the equivalent of $31 million in today’s dollars). Despite Trump’s claims that his father’s monetary gift was closer to $1 million, debunkers are certain Trump understated his father’s assistance.
HILLARY: “Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese…”
DONALD: “I did not. I do not say that. I do not say that.”
In one of his thousands of infamous tweets, Donald Trump did in fact publicly claim that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.
HILLARY: “Donald supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003.”
DONALD: “Wrong!”
HILLARY: “That is absolutely proved over and over again.”
DONALD: “Wrong!”
In this video appearance on “The Howard Stern Show,” Donald Trump did offer his support for the Iraqi war:
To check out more than a dozen other outright tales The New York Times discovered liar Donald Trump uttering during Monday’s debate, click HERE. Prepare yourself for some doozies!
DJ: "In short, Donald Trump is a liar. "
Yep. And a pathological liar at that.
It seems *the Donald* has lived his whole life in a kind of privileged bubble where he's never been held accountable for anything he has said or done. Then 16 months ago he decided to run for President and because the American media has little-to-NO integrity at all anymore, he was given a Free pass on ALL the lies he's uttered over the past 16 months….Until Now.
Now finding himself (his words, deeds, behaviors) under intense scrutiny it's confirmed. Among all the many compulsively bad traits of this joker, he is surely a pathological liar.
Whoa I clicked that Ny Times site to see all the lies he told and it is a lot. Is Trump so use to telling lies he doesn't think anybody will check him on it? He lies like nobody is paying attention but all that is catching up with him now. Lol keep pushing the pedal on Trump DJ. I love it.
The Arizona Republic, which has backed Republicans for president in each election since the 1890's, throws its support behind Hillary Clinton.
Re: "Arizona Republic Backs First Democrat in 126-Year History With Mic Drop Endorsement of Hillary Clinton"
The endorsement, while not a full-throated backing of Clinton’s left-leaning policy prescriptions for the country, does not read as a reluctant or half-hearted declaration of support. The editorial board eviscerated Trump, much the same way the Union-Leader and some mainstream Republicans have criticized his bigoted run for the presidency as showing “a stunning lack of human decency, empathy and respect” and for being “beneath our national dignity” before cataloging its unprecedented support for Clinton. The thrust of the editorial board’s support is based on Clinton’s character, decency, temperament, and experience. […]
Source: Slate
Slate Reader:
Sometimes it takes courage to point out the obvious. This endorsement – and the handful of others from historically conservative papers – has partially restored my belief that not every conservative is batshit crazy. […]