America Is Being Tricked By Donald Trump

Politics –
America Is Being
Tricked By Trump
Hey, America: are you savvy enough to know when you’re being played for a fool? Â If not, what will it take for you to realize that you’re being tricked by Trump?
Donald Trump ran for president on the premise that he would be different. He alone had the knowledge to fix things and he alone could “Make America Great Again.” Trump even went so far as to promise that America was going to win, win, win so much, that we’d all get tired of winning. Well, how’s all that working out so far? Hmmm… not so well!
Trump frequently blasted former President Obama for taking (in his opinion) too many personal vacations at taxpayer expense, yet he has jetted off to his Mar-a-Lago Florida golf resort every single weekend since the inauguration. Trump also promised to reign in presidential spending after prodding former President Obama for overspending and costing taxpayers unnecessarily. However, Trump’s presidential travel expense has cost more in 1 month than Mr. Obama’s in an entire year. In fact, Forbes says Mr. Obama’s travel bill over his entire 8-year term was $97 million, while Donald Trump is well on track to surpass that in just his first year.
Trump promised to take care of the “forgotten Americans,” particularly the poor, white, blue-collar workers across the rust belt and the Appalachian mountains who helped elect him. However, he never told them that when he was ready to tear down Obamacare, he would also be throwing those same people off of the health rolls and making necessary drugs for such ailments as coal miners disease suddenly unaffordable. He also promised these same people that he would bring coal jobs back, despite the fact that America’s need for coal in 2017 is about as necessary as America’s need for a VCR.
Donald Trump tricked America into voting for him, and now, he’s tricking America into believing that he knows what he’s doing and he’s got all of our best interests at heart. He doesn’t. Trump is not “running” America — Steve Bannon is. Trump is doing very little in the Oval Office, despite The White House trying to make him appear as busy as a bee. Â In the words of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, “Do not confuse motion with progress.”
Take a look at the video below and find out from Fareed Zakaria himself how Donald Trump is tricking America!
Trump is famously hostile to the notion of learning: no-one has anything to teach him. He was born rich, and that means he’s a genius and that everyone must respect him. He appears to have no ability for self-reflection. The mirrors he has in his house may be framed in gold, but he’s never been able to bring himself to look in them for more than a few seconds. Instead, he’s surrounded himself by people who tell him what he wants to hear, who repeat back to him his inner mantra: you’re the richest, the best, the greatest writer, builder, statesman, etc etc etc. But it’s his inner voices that are the problem, the ones that tell him that he’s nothing, a failure, that everyone sees him as a joke.
I love Fareed Zakaria because he always tells it like it is. Everybody got tricked by Trump because they thought he was going to do all this stuff magically and not hurt them. But people are starting to wake up and see they got played. Plus does Trump ever work weekends? He is always in Florida playing golf instead of doing his job. Somebody needs to tell him president isn't a monday through Friday gig.
From NY Times:
Donald Trump has spent his whole life overselling an overinflated vision of himself and his success.
He was the outer-borough boy whose father’s “boxlike office” was on Avenue Z in Brooklyn; he always dreamed of making it to Manhattan and breaking into the big league.
With a hustler’s spirit and some sleight of hand, he made it, but not in total.
He made the move, made the money and made his mark on New York’s skyline, but he never quite made it into the inner sanctum of New York high society.
I’m convinced that this is part of his obsession with former President Barack Obama. Obama was quickly granted the thing Trump never had: upper-class acceptance and adulation.
For Trump’s part, his sin was even worse than being new-money: He was tacky rich.
No amount of money or success could completely rid him of the odiousness of being coarse and crass.
Yes indeed. In other words, he's "poor white trash with money."
He's also intellectually deficient and a fake alpha-dog to boot.
Sitting in the White House…smh.
WE (the majority of voters) knew he was full of sh*t. And WE didn't vote for him.
And for the most part, he didn't trick his supporters either – except for his total BS promise to bring back coal-mining jobs and other blue-collar jobs that have long gone away and AIN'T coming back. (SEE: Automation and other types of advanced technologies).
Consider the following:
*His supporters knew that even IF somehow a wall got built, Mexico was certainly NOT going to pay for that thing.
*Though the majority of Trump supporters are poor, under-educated, blue collar Older White voters who are covered by the ACA, EVERYONE knew that Trump planned to "Repeal Obamacare." And how did everyone know? Because that's exactly what he promised he would do if elected. And yet, Older, poor and working poor White people voted for him in Overwhelming numbers anyway.
I've expressed my opinion about Trump voters before. I view them as mostly Scapegoaters, racists, and bigots who have legitimate economic concerns but who also refuse to take responsibility for their own colossal failures in life. Many if not most of them: fear people of Color; resent people with higher education; and tend to vote, repeatedly AGAINST their own self-interest.
They voted for Trump because he gives voice to their grievances. For the most part, they got what they voted for.
Note the extremely RARE occasion when Trump actually spoke the Truth. It happened at a campaign rally, in Iowa, in Jan. of 2016:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," – CNN
"23,000 Coal Miners Will Lose Their Health Insurance Under Trump"
It’s no secret that coal miners in coal-dependent states voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016. And now those same people are about to feel the sting of his policies worse than anyone else, with as many as 23,000 of them poised to lose their health insurance because of their own voting habits.
Under the Miners Protection Act, the healthcare for these retired coal miners is provided by and funded by the Senate. Now, the reason they’re going to lose this healthcare coverage is because the Senate can not come up with a reconciliation bill in order to extend these benefits. They had extended them by four months a few months ago, back in January. Now, these people are set to lose their healthcare benefits once again.
The reason this is important is because, obviously, these people spent their lives working in coal mines, have very significant health problems, and need a very strong, very protective form of healthcare coverage. Now, here’s the other reason why this is an important issue. If the Senate failed to renew this health insurance, these people would be able to buy in to Obamacare, to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, wait. The Republicans are trying to strip that away from us. That’s why this is an important story.
The coal miners, specifically, are a group that overwhelmingly supported both Republicans in House and Senate races and Donald Trump for President. They voted against their own self interest. They voted for candidates who said they were going to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, and now, they’re freaking out because they don’t know how they’re going to make their black lung payments anymore. They don’t know how they’re going to get treatment for working a lifetime in coal mines and developing these God-awful illnesses. […]
– Farron Cousins, writer at the Ring of Fire Network
(a little side-note)…..
Looks like Van Jones is back to feeling "afraid" of Trump. Yep. Van wants everyone to know (especially viewers of his new show on CNN) that he still "opposes" Trump, despite Van's glowing comments about Trump who Van felt became "President of the United States in that moment" during Trump's Congressional speech last week, Trump shamelessly Exploited…Ooops, I mean, acknowledged a very visibly grieving widow of a soldier recently killed in a Yemen raid gone bad that Trump had hastily ordered.
Word has it that within seconds of Van making that asinine comment his beat-down began and apparently has NOT let up. So last night he seized upon the opportunity to quickly "clarify" his comments and (in light of the fact that by Saturday of last weekend Trump had accused Pres. Obama of having committed a felony wire-tap of him) that "clarification" came none too soon.
Van wants everyone to know that his compliment of Trump was in actuality a "WARNING."
Yep. See his explanation for yourself:
I have 2 words for Van Jones. Jigga Pleeze!
ROTFL Get em Truth!
For Trump supporters:
1. He called Hillary Clinton a crook.
You bought it.
Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.
2. He said he’d release his tax returns, eventually.
You bought it.
He hasn’t, and says he never will.
3. He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
You bought it.
He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.
4. He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said.
You bought it.
He then proceeded to put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.
5. He said he’d surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
You bought it.
He nominated theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.
6. He said he’d be his own man, beholden to no one.
You bought it.
He then appointed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, whose only “qualifications” were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign.
7. He said he would “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders.
You bought it.
He then admitted that was just a corny slogan he said to fire up the rubes during the rallies, and that he didn’t mean it.
8. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did.
You bought it.
He promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his Generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old American girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.
9. He said Hillary Clinton couldn’t be counted on in times of crisis.
You bought it.
He didn’t even bother overseeing that raid in Yemen; and instead spent the time hate-tweeting the New York Times, and sleeping.
10. He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times “fake news” and said they were his enemy.
You bought it.
He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars.
11. He called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief” and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, not when there was so much important work to be done.
You bought it.
He took his first vacation after 11 days in office.
On the taxpayer’s dime.
And went golfing.
And that’s just the first month.
by Robert Reich