Comments on: HYPOCRISY IN THE BLACK CHURCH News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Thu, 07 Jun 2012 14:09:19 +0000 Hahaha Truth you hit it straight on. These preachers get in the pulpit and preach against gays then ignore the minister of music, organist, choir whos all gay but giving the church music. Long as the gays are benefiting the church they don't care. I want to see this book just to see how it all gets handled. 

By: Truthiz Thu, 07 Jun 2012 13:36:34 +0000 DJ, first let me say…Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I heard about this story earlier this week and I was hoping that you would do a post on it. 

Second: I am so pleased that a man of Mr. Heilbut's scholarly standing and historical expertise has stepped forth and shown the Courage to do what, IMO, has been long overdue…OUT the Black church for its blatant HYPOCRISY towards gays and bi-sexuals in the church. 

Third: So what will the Black church do now? Sit down all of the gay and bi-sexual music directors, lead singers and choir members? Lol. Yeah. Right. 

And what about all those gay and bisexual pastors/preachers and deacons running rampant through the Black church? Surely they will be stripped of their positions too right? <side-eyeing>

Anyway, I plan to buy the book. I do hope it lives up to the hype.</side-eyeing>
