‘I Am Not A Cat’ Says Lawyer On Zoom Call

Have you heard the one about the lawyer who told a judge during a court Zoom call: “I am not a cat?”
Current Events
During a virtual court session in the 394th district of Texas, attorney Rod Ponton was forced to appear before a judge as a cat. Apparently, someone placed a cat filter on his Zoom account and Ponton was oblivious as to how to turn it off. So, as the court video session began there was Ponton — appearing and speaking on camera as a cat.
“Mr. Ponton, I believe you have a filter turned on in the video settings,” Judge Roy Ferguson, who was presiding over the case, said in the video.
“Augggh,” the exasperated lawyer responded while appearing as his kitten with its eyes full of terror.
“I don’t know how to remove it,” he continued. “I’ve got my assistant here and she’s trying to” but “I’m prepared to go forward with it.”
Then, Ponton delivered the line that has America purring with laughter from coast to coast.
“I’m here live. I am not a cat,” he said — as if anyone believed that a real kitten had signed onto Zoom and was prepared to litigate a virtual court case.
Check out the hilarious hijinx in the video below.
This is still funny every time I see it. I cannot stop laughing because the guy was real nervous about his court appearance. His cat eyes said it all. I am going back to the impeachment now.