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I Hate Passwords!

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June 5, 2014

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Latest Technology In Computers – 
I Hate Passwords!
– An Easy Solution to a Difficult Problem

I hate passwords!  There, I said it.  Why? Because they’ve gotten out of hand, that’s why. And I know I’m not alone here!!

Latest Technology In Computers
Nowadays, it seems as if every single website REQUIRES you to “sign in” first. You have to sign in to read a local sports story. You have to sign in to shop for a toaster oven. You even have to sign in to buy a friggin’ pizza. Everybody wants you to “sign in.” But why??

Sure, signing in to check your bank account, PayPal account, or private email account are all understandably necessary, but most are not (it’s just an easy way for them to get your email address and track you).  In fact, I just spent an hour trying to remember my password to simply pay my cable bill, until I gave up and had to reset it — for the THIRD time! With so many “sign in” requirements, it’s no wonder why all of us just use the same password over and over again.  But as we’ve been reminded time and again, that’s dangerous (and in some cases, it really is).

We all know “123456” is the worst password in the history of passwords. Also, birth dates, anniversaries and any other commonly known series of numbers is a no-no as well.  So how can we come up with a password system that works?  If you’re like me and you hate passwords — or you can’t remember them all — or you’re tired of using the same one over and over again, here’s an easy solution: follow the 1-2-3 method:

1 = Severe (bank accounts, financial institutions, extremely personal data)

2 = Moderate (email accounts, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

3 = Easy (websites, news sites, shopping sites, etc.).

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Simply create 3 passwords, 1 for each category. Make “Severe” the most difficult to crack and “Easy” something very easy for you to remember.  Even if you use the same User ID all the time,  you’ll only have 3 passwords to remember and you can apply the simple 1-2-3 rule to all the sites you visit.

TIP:  A good password involves a combination of letters and numbers.  It may also include at least 1 capital letter and 1 symbol.  

EXAMPLE:  Monday@12noon

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OK WASSUP! covers the latest technology in computers.  
Today’s article: How to create easy-to-remember passwords for anyone who hates passwords.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I think it is better to use MS Excel file, where you write down all your passwords. You can also write down all your passwords in a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.

    It is kind of risky to use the same password everywhere, which is why you need different passwords.

  2. Great article! I really loved your idea to create 3 different passwords. This way, we minimize our chances of getting hacked.

    Personally I prefer to have 4-5 different passwords and I distribute those passwords among many sites.

    Getting hacked is never fun and one must be serious about having strong password.

  3. Having a strong password is one of the top priorities in the internet world. There are lots of bad people on the internet, who are literally preying on your passwords. Do not let them win, have a strong password!

    I love the tips of having 3 passwords. I may try it out, thanks.

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