Comments on: I QUIT! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 07 Jul 2009 00:07:48 +0000 Back to Palin:My apologies DJ for hogging this post! But Palin has hit a raw nerve in me since the day that crazy-azz OLD POSER, McCain, tried to insult the intelligence of all rational and reasonable THINKING people_ particularly WOMEN_by presenting this ignorant and unintelligent woman as qualified to be VP and, worse, President!?! Jack and Jill Politics have some great responses over there_and I simply want to share one:Allheavens:“Let me apologize now if any readers have mentally challenged children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc.There is a cockney saying: "Windy-lickers riding on the tard cart." Translation: Window lickers riding on the short bus. Palin would fit this description to a tee if she were not such a fucking narcissist. She gives the mentally challenged a bad name.She gives her resignation speech which is all about Sarah than retreats from the bullying, despicable, liberal media to immediately "tweet" and blast said media on Facebook. *rolls eyes*Why anyone cannot see this woman for what she is, a con artist, a grifter, is beyond me!?! Sarah is playing the long con and she will get rich doing it. She has counted on a few things since she was pulled from oblivion by John McCain and got a taste of the good life; that the "faithful" would be dumber, lazier and more racist than she and they have not failed to live down to her every expectation.This woman is dangerous not because she is simply dumb but because she is dumb, narcissistic and completely devoid of conscience. Her autobiography should be named:The Making of a Sociopath: How I Used the White Evangelical Right-Wing Electorate to Divide a Country and Finance My Wonderful Life Without Really Trying.”Hat-tip:

By: Truthiz Mon, 06 Jul 2009 19:39:53 +0000 (Off topic)Speaking of contraversy:Via their "untimely" and tragic deaths, the past 2 weeks have exposed the controversial lives of two exceptionally talented men:Michael Jackson and (over the weekend)Steven McNair, former NFL quarterback.See: McNair's Once Impeccable Legacy Turns To Sex, Blood, DeathFull story: <a href="|main|dl1|link3|… />The truth is, "Celebrity" worship of any kind (athletes, entertainers, politicians) has never been my cup to tea. As a child, there was never anyone more “special” and worthy of my respect and admiration than my maternal grandfather. He is deceased now but my feelings remain the same. A hard-working, God-fearing family man of limited education but limitless heart and patience; My grandfather was a man of standards, grace and dignity. A proud steel-man; he loved his job! In all aspects of his life, he led by example, fought for his country, provided for his family, gave unselfishly of himself whenever and wherever possible and constantly pushed me to reach for the stars through hard-work, education and independent-thinking. And yet….He always reminded me that he was “NO saint”. He was only human and therefore NOT perfect. He was "just a man."I am most fortunate to have had him for my grandfather!

By: Truthiz Mon, 06 Jul 2009 19:29:43 +0000 DJ:"So exactly why is Sarah Palin quitting? There are really only two possible reasons:"I’d also add a 3rd possible reason:She’s running away from a HUGE scandal barreling her way, which would finally kill off what’s left of her sorry political career anyway.But I’ll admit, I think reason #2 is more likely to be the actual reason for her latest gimmick.Watching the GOP be so wedded to a LOSING strategy_ENDLESS talking points, and GIMMICKS_is quite something_smh. DJ:“So again: WHAT IN THE HELL IS SARAH PALIN THINKING??? The truth of the matter is it's likely no one really knows. But for a woman who frequently crashed and burned right before our very eyes on national television last fall, it appears this is her way of gearing up for a future run and a likely repeat performance of unbelievable failure.”Yep. And the majority of Republican voters_aka ‘the base”_would support her candidacy for President in a GOP heartbeat……which speaks VOLUMES about that party!
