
Ignore Donald Trump And Move On, America!

- Stop treating Trump like a spoiled baby. He lost. Time to move forward.

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the moment is upon us. We have finally reached the end of the line. It’s time to ignore Donald Trump.

For 4 excruciatingly long years, Donald Trump has owned the daily news cycle and reveled in his ability to control the media’s coverage of him with every odd tick and divisive tweet. However, with the election of President-elect Joe Biden nearly a month behind us, Trump’s irrelevancy is growing stronger by the minute.

Ignore Donald Trump

Trump has already checked-out of even the appearance of doing any work as the official “president.” Instead, he spends his days holed up inside The White House flipping between television stations, watching news coverage of himself, sulking that he lost, tweeting to anyone who will listen, and continuing to spin the wild conspiracy theory that he was robbed of victory — despite being unable to produce even an iota of proof to bolster his outlandish claims.

Like the rest of the lap-dog Republicans, Trump’s lawyers have coddled the petulant manchild in the Oval Office and taken his baseless claims to the highest federal courts in the land. However, because of strict laws that would hold any attorney in contempt of court for lying to a federal judge, Trump’s law team has been extremely careful not to lie for him, prompting judge after judge to either laugh or throw them out of every court they visited.

Take a look at this exchange between the Trump team and a federal judge, transcribed from a recent Pennsylvania court appearance:

THE COURT: In your petition, which is right before me — and I read it several times — you don’t claim that any electors or the Board of the County were guilty of fraud, correct? That’s correct?

TRUMP LAWYER: Your Honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step. And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board of the [Democratic National Committee] or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith. The DNC is coming with good faith. We’re all just trying to get an election done. We think these were a mistake, but we think they are a fatal mistake, and these ballots ought not be counted.

THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?

TRUMP LAWYER: To my knowledge at present, no.

THE COURT: Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?

TRUMP LAWYER: To my knowledge at present, no.

On television, Donald Trump, his lawyers, his Fox News flunkies, and spineless Republicans in Congress (who fear ‘The Donald’ and his minions) have all screamed from the rafters that the election was rigged and that there was widespread fraud. However, every time they had their moment in court to prove their claims and potentially overturn the results, they cowered and admitted there was no fraud.

So, why is America still entertaining this sideshow?

Ignore Donald Trump

For weeks, the television airwaves have been all abuzz with the questions: Will Trump concede? Will he voluntarily leave The White House? Will he attend the Biden inauguration?


It doesn’t matter if Trump concedes or not. He lost and him uttering those words from his own lips will not change the results.

It doesn’t matter if Trump chooses not to leave The White House by noon on January 20, 2021. The United States Secret Service is well equipped to physically remove him and his belongings whether he consents or not.

It doesn’t matter if Trump attends the Biden inauguration or not. If, for example, one child doesn’t attend the neighborhood birthday party everybody is at, the party still goes on without that child’s presence. And so will the Biden party without Trump’s presence.

The fact is, we’ve given Donald Trump far too much significance and it’s not only hurting the transition but democracy. If the media didn’t continue putting his pouting loser face on camera to whine that he should be given his way without an ounce of proof, nobody would know or care what he was thinking.

Trump has already removed himself from the presidency with his public temper tantrum. Let him. Joe Biden is, at least visually, already the new president and, unlike Trump, has provided leadership on COVID and more. So, let’s run with that.

If Donald Trump wants to rant and rave that he won (when anyone with at least 2 brain cells can clearly see that he did not), then let him have at it. He can go stand in a corner in a dark room somewhere and kick and scream all he wants that he’s the rightful winner. However, we don’t need to see it or hear about it on our TV screens.

When a child loses a baseball game, we don’t pamper him for as long as we’ve pampered and tip-toed around ‘The Donald’ and his delicate feelings.

Ignore Donald Trump

Donald Trump lost. He’s a bonafide loser. A has-been. His presidency technically will last just a few more weeks, but Joe Biden is already our new leader. The whole world knows it and we’re all ready to move on.

It’s time to pull the plug on his sick, 4-year televised circus. FINALLY, it’s time to ignore Donald Trump and allow him to slip into eternal oblivion.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
It’s time to ignore Donald Trump!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. CNN:
    Trump is Trump. There’s nothing new to say about the man. But there is still lots to learn about his enablers. So many people, from GOP functionaries to Fox News hosts, are helping him to undermine democracy by denying the election and attacking reality. So many people are complicit.People like Maria Bartiromo. Formerly an acclaimed journalist, known around the world for making CEOs tell the truth, now she tees up Trump to recite lie after lie. Her Sunday morning call with Trump on Fox News was his first “interview” since he lost the election, but it wasn’t a real interview at all. He wasn’t ready to acknowledge that he lost, and neither was she. He displayed delusional weakness. She was complicit. And she’s far from the only one.

    GOP leaders stay silent
    Ron Brownstein on CNN Sunday night: As Trump’s conspiracy theory about the “rigged” election “gets more and more fantastical and far-reaching, implicating the DOJ, the FBI, and Republican governors, the silence of Republicans in Congress — Mitch McConnell in particular, Kevin McCarthy in particular, who are allowing this poison to spread in the American political system — looks more and more like a modern analogue to the silence of Republican congressional leaders during the rampages of Joe McCarthy in the early 1950s. I think history will have no trouble finding a parallel between Mitch McConnell’s efforts to kind of look the other way and what so many Republican leaders did until Joseph Welch said, at long last, sir ‘have you no decency?'”

  2. [On television, Donald Trump, his lawyers, his Fox News flunkies, and spineless Republicans in Congress (who fear ‘The Donald’ and his minions) have all screamed from the rafters that the election was rigged and that there was widespread fraud. However, every time they had their moment in court to prove their claims and potentially overturn the results, they cowered and admitted there was no fraud. 

    So, why is America still entertaining this sideshow? ] – DJ

    Because the same craven and cynical news media that helped elevate that creature to power in the first place has NO integrity and NO shame. 

    The American news media is an industry of Trump addicts. And they are hooked on him like dope addicts hooked on drugs. 

  3. Now mind you – the American news media is already beginning to push the bogus narrative that Trump is “PROBABLY” going to run again in 2024. They will use that sorry azz excuse to justify why they’ll continue to cover that dangerous fool 24/7 until 2024. 

    And Trump will no doubt, play them like a fiddle (as he always does) up to 2024 when he will make NO such announcement of running again. 

    Frankly I find myself asking myself – is it too far fetched to surmise that this modern day American news media would give ANY fascist sounding Madman a global platform, 24/7 to promote his madness and FAKE strong-man persona….as long as he’s a white American male? 

    I answer: No. I don’t think it’s far fetched at all. 

    1. He is not going to run again because he will be in jail by then. They are coming for him and his family book it.

  4. Thanks for this DJ. Everybody always asking what is he going to do next. I could care less. The quicker he gets out of the news the better we all will be. I am tired of hearing about him.

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