Comments on: I’M SORRY! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:23:05 +0000 I missed his live speech on Friday but just watched it this morning when I got to work.The whole thing basically seems unnecessary to me. If he had done this two months ago maybe it would matter. But he's real late in the public apology department. If he needs forgiveness that's up to his wife. So I don't know why he needed to come looking all sad in front of the general public. Sort of bizarre is how I saw it.

By: Truthiz Mon, 22 Feb 2010 13:21:25 +0000 To be honst, I only saw snippets of the press conference. But here's my 2 cents worth on this sorry story:On one hand: I agree with Tiger, this matter should be between him and his wife. Therefore, someone should request that his “former” mistresses SHUT UP because one or two of them are still running their mouths!On the other hand: Tiger should know by now that “the media” AIN’T gonna help him rebuild anything UNLESS he recognizes that he MUST, to SOME degree, learn to play by the media’s Game_end of story.Now, having said all that…. The truth is, I could NOT care less whether Tiger plays pro golf again.I lost interest in him back when it became clear to me that he wants pretty much NO connection to being Black. THAT is his right and I, and millions of other Black Americans "get it."But back to his career and personal life: I’ve come to view Tiger much like I came to view Michael Jackson years ago, as someone with an exceptional talent who sadly, allowed his inner demons to drive him to a state of a rather tortured existence.In the end, MJ was no more than a sorry specimen of person, IMO, and the only felling I could muster for him was PITY.Whatever the outcome of this story, I feel nothing but pity for the man.
