Immigrant Children Separated At Border
- Is the practice effective or immoral? TAKE OUR POLL!
Thanks to Donald Trump, immigrant children are being separated from their parents and families at the border. Where is the outrage, America??
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It’s an exercise in cruelty and inhumanity. In an attempt to deter unwanted (brown) immigrants from crossing into America at the US/Mexico border, the Trump administration has instituted a new policy of separating parents from children. Here’s how it works: Those families who come into the US without the proper documentation or who might be seeking asylum are called into a room and told the children must first be taken to shower — but will return. Then, after getting the immigrant children alone, they are detained permanently and kept from reuniting with their parents.
According to the latest tally from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, 11,000 children are currently being detained in US border shelters. In fact, between April 19th and May 31st alone, nearly 2,000 children were removed from the protection of their parents and taken into federal custody.
Now religious leaders, medical professionals and more are calling for Trump to put an immediate halt to the separation of immigrant children from their families.
“It’s disgraceful, and it’s terrible to see families ripped apart and I don’t support that one bit,” said evangelical leader Franklin Graham, son of “America’s pastor” Billy Graham and a prominent Trump supporter.
“I’ve never been in this situation where I’ve felt so needlessly helpless,” said Dr. Colleen Kraft who watched an inconsolable child cry for her mother. “This is something that was inflicted on this child by the government, and really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse.”
“Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso,” said former First Lady Laura Bush in a Sunday Op-Ed column. “These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history.”
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Donald Trump believes once the word gets out to these unwanted immigrants that crossing into the US means all immigrant children will be held captive, parents will have second thoughts or will simply avoid trying altogether. However, when asked on Friday why he would permit such a barbaric practice, Trump pulled a “Trump” by deflecting blame and making the responsibility about anyone except himself.
“I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”
NO, DONALD! There is no law that requires the mass separation of immigrant children from their parents at the border. The practice is YOUR OWN and stems from a White House policy change announced April 6th by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who called for the criminal prosecution of anyone attempting to cross the border illegally as a deterrent. Previously, these cases were handled by immigration courts in a process that did not require families to be separated. However, the Department of Homeland Security said earlier this year it believed separating families would be the “most effective” way of attempting to prevent unwanted immigration at the southern border.
At the base of the Statue of Liberty, a plaque reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Has Donald Trump and his cronies forgotten these historic words? Is Trump correct to institute this policy exclusively against brown people at the US/Mexico but for no other people attempting to make their way into America? Are the psychologically scarring and blood-curdling screams heard from the young and innocent immigrant children during the separation process worth it in the long run if it means reducing “illegal” immigration?
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Thanks for covering this deeply disturbing DJ. Wish I could I could say that I am shocked by such an evil act being carried out by the government of my own country -America. But sadly, I am not.
As you stated: “It’s an exercise in cruelty and inhumanity.”
And the truth is IT -the craven and heartless act of tearing young children away from their parents and doing whatever the H*ll White men in power want to do with them – IS as American as apple pie and the American flag. See American history regarding Native Americans Indians, Africans and slavery, AND Japanese interment camps during WW II.
I have much more to say about this but it will have to wait until I return from a job-related meeting.
Okay so let me clean up the first sentence in my first response. I wrote it in haste. I meant to say:
Thanks for covering this deeply disturbing story DJ. Wish I could say I am shocked by such an evil act being carried out by the government of my own country -America. But sadly, I am not.
As you stated: “It’s an exercise in cruelty and inhumanity.” Therefore YES is most definitely immoral. But, as I expressed in my first response IT – the U.S. government doing harm, and worse, to families and children- is also quite American. Especially when those families and children being harmed OR killed are Black or brown.
But here’s what’s really sick about this whole heart-breaking story- for Jeff Sessions and his ilk it’s about trying to protect “the tribe” by ANY means necessary. Keeping Blacks and brown (and even Asian) people from taking over this country is the #1 mission of racists and bigots.
For Trump it’s got little-to-nothing to do with protecting “the tribe.” He IS a racist and a bigot but that’s all secondary to what serves Donald’s narcissistic needs and covers his corrupt, non-stop LYING azz at ANY given moment.
Trump LIED to his supporters about having Mexico build “the wall” and now he’s using those poor children as a weapon (leverage) to try to bully Dems into supporting funding for that d*mn thing. There is NO bottom to the guy.
“He’s a living black hole!” Tony Schwartz (Trump Ghostwriter) told his wife after long days with Trump.
“‘I Feel a Deep Sense of Remorse,’ Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Says” – New York Times, July 18, 2016
I agree with Truth thanks DJ for writing this story. It is deeply disturbing. These poor kids are the ones I feel sorry for. If their parents decide to leave their country these kids don’t have a choice to say no. Then once they get to this new country they get torn from their parents and still have no choice to say no. This could ruin them for the rest of their life. It is so heartless that no wonder even Repubs are starting to come out and fight Trump on this one. From what I hear this is his most unpredictable mess. He never likes to apologize or say he was wrong but it looks like a lot of the country is about to go against him on this thing. Laura Bush said it right this feels like a prison camp the way we did the Japanese. This is so wrong I know it is about to backfire on him.
Trump: “The US will not be a migrant camp”
From CNN’s Betsy Klein
In opening remarks at a space policy rollout event, President Donald Trump addressed the growing child separation crisis on the US-Mexico border, blaming Democrats for the unfolding situation.
“I say it’s very strongly the Democrats’ fault, their obstruction, they’re really obstructionist and they’re really obstructing,” Trump said.
He continued, “The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility, it won’t be. You look at what’s happening in Europe, you look at what’s happening in other places, we can’t allow that to happen to the United States, not on my watch.”
Trump says the US will not be a “migrant camp”
— Meg Wagner (@megwagner) June 18, 2018
If Donald Trump is blaming Democrats how is his own DHS secretary defending it?
Washington (CNN)Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen defended the Trump administration’s highly scrutinized immigration policy Monday while at the same time calling on Congress to change the law.
“We will not apologize for the job we do or for the job law enforcement does for doing the job that the American people expect us to do,” she said, speaking in front of a friendly audience of the National Sheriffs’ Association about the administration’s policies resulting in family separations. “Illegal actions have and must have consequences. No more free passes, no more get out of jail free cards.”
She claimed “misinformation” was being spread about the policy, which is that all people caught crossing the border illegally are prosecuted and thus families are separated.
Uh-Oh “Breaking News”- Hillary just spoke and she took on Donald, Jeff and all others of their despicable ilk. But she did it, IMO, in an intelligentl way which means her message is lost on Trump and company. But her message is NOT for them. It’s for Us (those of Us who see this disgraceful and hateful thing for what it is).
Equally important, she acknowledged that BOTH parties have a responsibility to address this issue in a just and humane way. Dems do NOT have clean hands here- including Pres. Obama. They/he have failed these families and children too.
donald duck prolly lucked out this time. no way out