Comments on: Impeachment Inquiry Vote ‘Trumps’ Trump News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 04 Nov 2019 05:00:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Tue, 29 Oct 2019 21:24:49 +0000 Fox News:
House Democrats’ impeachment vote is nothing but a “sham,” Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., said on Tuesday.

On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the vote on a resolution to formalize — and establish the parameters — of the Trump impeachment inquiry. It is not an actual article of impeachment, but rather a resolution that sets the ground rules for the process. Fox News has learned the vote will take place Thursday on the House floor.

By: Wil Tue, 29 Oct 2019 16:58:34 +0000 (CNN)President Donald Trump and his Republican defenders may come to regret that Nancy Pelosi gave them what they wished for.

Putting the House on the record for the first time on impeachment, through the speaker’s call for a vote by the whole chamber on procedures, is a highly symbolic step that will challenge the entire Republican critique of the impeachment process.

More crucially, such a vote could make it more difficult for the GOP to dodge the substance of the Ukraine scandal and the issue on which impeachment will turn: Did Trump abuse his power?

Superficially, the House speaker’s call for the vote is a reversal and vindicates GOP critics who have blasted her inquiry. But it threatens to begin eroding the central pillar of Trump’s defense so far: that the investigation is nothing but an unconstitutional sham that is depriving him of due process.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 29 Oct 2019 16:46:32 +0000 Welp…I have to admit, right-wing blogger/radio-host, Erick E. really has tried to ‘keep it Real’ with his followers about this mess and asks: “Are Republicans ready to defend Trump instead of attacking the impeachment process?”

[Republicans seemed somewhat taken aback by the Democratic decision to hold a vote this week. The Republican defense of President Trump has centered on attacking the House Democratic process rather than contesting the facts of the case. ………………….

Very soon, Republicans will get their wish for open hearings with cross-examinations and opportunities to present corroborating evidence. If they want to protect President Trump from public opinion that supports impeachment, congressional Republicans need to find a strong argument that what the president did was not an abuse of power. If the GOP cannot start persuading independent voters that Trump acted ethically and reasonably, he will not only soon become the third president to be impeached, but the Republicans will face an electoral bloodbath next November.] – The Resurgent, Oct 29, 2019

Full Read: ‘House To Hold Vote On Impeachment Inquiry This Thursday’

By: Mr.BD Tue, 29 Oct 2019 16:09:43 +0000 Yep DJ you sure did call this alright. Like you said Pelosi has got the votes so Repubs have nothing else they can argue about. Plus Trump has no reason not to cooperate anymore. I think Nancy played this real well. I still cannot believe we almost did not make her speaker. She is playing Trump like a fiddle.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:29:15 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Ooops! My apologies. His name is spelled Yul Brynner.
