Comments on: Impeachment Trap A Trick For Democrats? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 12 May 2019 19:23:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Mon, 06 May 2019 15:29:28 +0000 In reply to Wil.

Hey Wil where you been man? Thanks for posting this it makes some good points. What do you think about Trump people saying this is all about Dems trying to change the election outcome?

By: Mr.BD Mon, 06 May 2019 15:25:13 +0000 By the way this was a good job on this one DJ. I forgot to say that in my other post.

By: Mr.BD Mon, 06 May 2019 15:24:33 +0000 I have to admit something. I was one of those people that thought if we impeach then Trump is gone. But now I know that is not always the case which makes me think maybe we should not do it then. It probably is a trap and as dirty as he is he probably already figured out how to get around things. I think I have to go with what DJ said that we have to beat him in the election. That is the only way to know he is gone so all his supporters don’t go crazy and he can’t cry witch hunt again.

By: Wil Mon, 06 May 2019 13:09:29 +0000 Fareed Zakaria:
Consider, for a moment, what the growing talk of impeachment among Democrats sounds like to the tens of millions of people who voted for Donald Trump. Many of them supported him because they feel ignored, mocked and condescended to by the country’s urban, educated and cosmopolitan elites — especially lawyers and journalists. So what happens when their guy gets elected? These same elites pursue a series of maneuvers to try to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

It would massively increase the class resentment that feeds support for Trump. It would turn the topic away from his misdeeds and toward the Democrats’ overreach and obsessions. And ultimately, of course, it would fail — two-thirds of this Republican-controlled Senate would not vote to convict him — allowing the president to brandish his “acquittal” like a gold medal.

I know, I know, many argue passionately that this is not a political affair but rather a moral and legal one. After reading the Mueller report, they say, Congress has no option but to fulfill its obligation and impeach Trump. But this view misunderstands impeachment entirely. It is by design an inherently political process, not a legal one. That’s why the standard used — “high crimes and misdemeanors” — is not one used in criminal procedures. And that is why the decision is entrusted to a political body, Congress, not the courts.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 06 May 2019 12:22:04 +0000 Something else Dems should be mindful of….trolls and bots are in FULL effect.

Right-wingers and foreign adversaries will pull out all the stops in drumming up talk of Impeachment and other such crazy talk, order to further divide the American people and suppress the turnout.

Their use of internet trolls and bots, in particular, was incredibly successful in achieving their goals in 2016.

And trust….they’re already at it again.

Their insidious games will only increase right up to the day of the 2020 elections.
