
Impeachment Trap Awaiting Trump In The Senate?

- This might be the GOP's only chance to finally stop Donald Trump from acting as 'King'

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Could an impeachment trap be awaiting Donald Trump in the US Senate?

The Democratically-controlled US House of Representatives is virtually guaranteed to formally impeach Donald J. Trump this week.  However, political pundits have all but bet the bank that Republicans will swiftly vote to acquit him once the impeachment trial reaches the GOP-led US Senate.

Um… don’t be so sure.

Impeachment Trap

Despite their public penchant to coddle, protect, and defend ‘The Donald’ at every turn, a sizeable portion of Republican lawmakers don’t actually like or trust Donald Trump.  What’s worse is that they fear if they don’t stop him this time (just as they failed to do when they didn’t take him seriously during the 2016 election primaries), he could be reelected in 2020.

Privately, some Republicans are afraid that if Trump is acquited of impeachment in the Senate and handed a 2nd term, he will only be emboldened with a “King-like” attitude to run roughshod over the US Constitution and the responsibility of the legislative branch of government to employ a system of checks and balances.

Or, in other words, an unimpeached Trump with a 2nd term could dismiss Republicans in Congress and effectively make them obsolete while ruling the presidency as if it were a monarchy.

Republicans don’t care how Trump treats Democrats on Capitol Hill.  However, they are crapping bricks that he could treat EVERYONE on Capitol Hill as if they’re non-existent, ruin the concept of democracy that the founding fathers so carefully constructed, then set a precedent for future president’s of any party to do the same no matter who controls Congress.

According to Douglas Mackinnon of The Hill:

Over the past week, I have heard from three seasoned Republicans who fear that President Trump and the West Wing are seriously underestimating the potential danger of a Senate trial. Human nature and common sense dictate that, despite the well-meaning resolution circulated by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) condemning the House impeachment process, it’s important for the White House to understand that the weight of history is settling upon the shoulders of these senators – some of them quite weak – and because of that pressure, private conversations are taking place and a trap may be sprung for the president in that trial.

A potential trap set by seemingly loyal Republican senators.

Yes, political pundits are beginning to discuss what was once considered an impossibility:  an impeachment trap set for Trump in the Senate that no one in The White House or on the Trump team could have ever seen coming.

Impeachment Trap

“What’s at stake is not President Trump’s policies. What’s at stake is the Constitution.” – former governor and US Ambassador Nikki Haley

Granted, many within the GOP are afraid of Donald Trump and his cult-like followers.  However, they’re just as if not more afraid of what an impeachment acquittal and 4 more years of ‘The Donald’ could do to democracy, how it could damage (or even eradicate) their legislative power, and what it might mean for their permanent legacies in the history books.

Could Donald Trump show up to the US Senate expecting a swift acquittal and be caught off guard with a full impeachment and removal from office?  It may be improbable, but it’s beginning to look like it’s not at all impossible.

To put it bluntly, don’t rule out an impeachment trap in the US Senate.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Could Trump face an impeachment trap in the Senate?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Could an impeachment trap be awaiting Donald Trump in the US Senate? [..] -DJ

    Yes…and No. Yes, a trap could be awaiting Trump…but not in the Senate. The trap that could be awaiting Trump is a trap that he, himself set, aided greatly by traitorous Repubs in the House and the Senate.

    Regular readers know that I’m not into polls. However, a new Fox News poll is out and IF..IF it is credible it shows that 50% of Americans think Trump should be impeached and removed from office. There’s a lot more included in the poll but overall it APPEARS that Trump may be losing some real support among Independents in particular. Keep in mind, this is a FOX news poll. An overwhelmingly Trump-friendly cable news network.

    Having said all that. The sad truth remains that IF this country of Ours is to be saved from Trump and his cronies, it’s going to take Us, the majority of American people. We must vote him out in 2020!

  2. Fox News poll: 50 percent of Americans say Trump should be impeached and removed

    [Fifty percent of respondents supported the president’s impeachment and removal, while 4 percent backed impeachment but not removal. Forty-one percent opposed impeachment.

    The independent support of impeachment jumped 7 percentage points to 45 percent support from October’s poll.

    The poll was conducted between Dec. 8 and Dec. 11 in partnership with Beacon Research and Shaw & Co. They surveyed 1,000 registered voters, and the poll had a margin of error of 3 percentage points. ] – The Hill

    H/T: ‘Morning Joe’ Joe Scarborough & Mika, 12-16-19

  3. I watched a little bit of CNN this morning before work. They were saying Democrats might call 45s bluff and let Hunter Biden testify in the senate. That way all the witnesses 45 doesn’t want talking would have to testify too and it could all backfire on him.

    1. Hunter Biden testifying could be incredibly risky and result in terrible Unintended consequences IF the Dems don’t tread carefully. They had better be darn sure of what they’re doing BEFORE they decide whether to go that route.

      And Dems shouldn’t fool themselves. Hunter Biden testifying will have NO bearing on Trump allowing his cronies to testify. Not if the decision is left solely up to him. He doesn’t want his cronies telling the truth to the American people. He’ll continue to abuse his power to keep it from happening.

    2. I did not hear about this but this is real interesting. The only thing is the Dems would have to be willing to sell out both the Bidens unless they know for sure there is nothing underhanded that went on. Or maybe if they could get all these witnesses Trump has been blocking to talk then Biden could take the stand and plead the fifth. I don’t know but this could get interesting

  4. Fox Poll: Majority Favors Impeachment And Removal

    Republican defenses of Trump are falling flat outside the party faithful.

    The poll also showed that Republican talking points are not resonating with voters. Only 37 percent were extremely or very interested in the allegations about Joe and Hunter Biden compared with 54 percent who only somewhat or not-at-all interested. Those numbers have barely changed since October.

    The Fox poll also had bad news for Republicans on the policy front. The poll found that many Democratic policies are popular among voters. Sixty-eight percent favor a two-percent wealth tax on people with more than $50 million, 66 percent favor a public option to purchase Medicare, 63 percent favor marijuana legalization, and 53 percent want to keep Obamacare in place with only minor changes. The poll also showed that voters oppose the border wall by a 52-44 margin. […] David Thorton, writer for the right-wing site, The Resurgent, 12-15-19

    1. Truth the only way the Repubs change things up and sell out Trump is if the public opinion changes. I would say it has not changed enough for that to happen yet but it could happen in the trial.

      1. Honestly BD, I really doubt the Repubs would turn on Trump even IF a clear majority of Americans say they’re done with him. The polls seem to indicate that perhaps Independents are beginning to break towards supporting the Dems. Not necessarily impeach and remove. But moreso, support him being impeached by the House, acquitted by the Senate, but then vote him OUT of office in 2020.

        I think Independents may be leaning in that direction.

  5. DJ my friend I have to respectfully disagree with the post today. You are making the Repubs out to be way smarter than they are. They are not going to vote to impeach then put Trump out of office regardless of what the polls are saying. He has all them on a leash and they are not going to betray him like that. They are like children and have not thought about how they are going to look in history and all that yet. All they want to do is protect this clown and keep Republican power. They do not care what it cost them.

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