Impeachment Vote, More Planned By The GOP
Republicans still reeling over the impeachment of their savior, Donald Trump, are planning an impeachment vote of their own (and a few dirty tricks) against President Biden should they retake Congress in November.
Politics :
Yes, the modern-day Republican Party of Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and a few others have borrowed a page from the Donald Trump Handbook of Revenge and are intending to use their political positions to get even ahead of conducting America’s business.

According to Forbes, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has posted his party’s “Commitment to America” –- complete with a colorful website detailing all the GOP intends to do should they regain control of Congress in the midterm election.
In their new committment, House Republicans have doubled down on an extreme MAGA agenda to criminalize women’s health care, slash Medicare for seniors, repeal lower drug prices for seniors approved in the Inflation Reduction Act, and more.
However, Republicans don’t intend to stop there.
The GOP has already decided to hold an impeachment vote against President Biden for crimes that are yet unknown and that he hasn’t committed yet. In fact, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she intends to demand an impeachment vote every single week if her party is given the reigns to Congress.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (who voted against impeaching Donald Trump), there’s “a lot of pressure” on Republicans to impeach Biden.
“I think that is something that some folks are considering,” she said in a tepid admission during an appearance on NBC’s MEET THE PRESS.

“If that happens, I do believe it’s divisive, which is why I push back on it personally when I hear folks saying they’re going to file articles of impeachment in the House,” Mace said. “I push back against those comments because we need to be working together.”
Interestingly, The White House is reportedly gaining confidence that the various investigations and plans of an impeachment vote against the president by congressional Republicans are almost sure to backfire politically.
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough couldn’t agree more and said that such political tomfoolery could cost Republicans a shot at winning.
“So impeachment, for the most part, makes the party base feel great,” but “It is a political loser,” Scarborough said.

Looking back on repeated attempts by the GOP to defund the Affordable Care Act under President Barack Obama, GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said: a Republican impeachment vote and other dirty tricks are “going to look like child’s play in terms of what Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to demand” of Kevin McCarthy.
“They’re going to demand an impeachment vote on President Biden every week,” Kinzinger said while adding that he expects peer pressure to force other Republicans to get on board.
“Tribalism is deeply ingrained,” the retiring Kinzinger added. “I think people, in many cases, more than they fear death, they fear being kicked out of the tribe.”
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Impeachment vote, more, planned by Republicans.
[ “They’re going to demand an impeachment vote on President Biden every week,” Kinzinger said while adding that he expects peer pressure to force other Republicans to get on board.
“Tribalism is deeply ingrained,” the retiring Kinzinger added. “I think people, in many cases, more than they fear death, they fear being kicked out of the tribe.” ] – DJ
As much as I’ve come to respect the Courage of both GOP Representatives, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, I wish they wouldn’t act like “IT” (White tribalism in the Republican party) is a new thing!?!
Anyone, and I do mean Anyone, who has given even the slightest bit of attention to the history of the Republican party since the Civil Right Movement – AND has a spec of intelligence – knows darn well that….
On Sunday, South Carolina GOP Rep. Nancy Mace said something that should have gotten way more attention.
“I believe there’s pressure on the Republicans to put that forward and have that vote,” Mace told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” suggesting that there would be an effort to impeach President Joe Biden if the GOP takes control of the House this fall. “I think that’s what some folks are considering.”
On Thursday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who is expected to become speaker if Republicans win the majority, was asked about the possibility of impeachment proceedings – and dodged.
“We will uphold the rule of law. We will not play politics with it,” he said, before adding cryptically: “But we’ll do whatever … the rules and facts take us to.”
So is that a “no” or…
The reality is that some within the Republican conference – especially those who align themselves with the House Freedom Caucus – have been talking about potential for investigating and impeaching Biden for some time now.
As CNN reported back in January(!) 2022:
“If they’re in charge, Republican leaders will also have to contend with a growing push from their right flank to initiate impeachment proceedings against Biden, which GOP leaders have so far declined to embrace. Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the controversial firebrand from Georgia, has already introduced numerous bills to impeach Biden and accuse him of high crimes and misdemeanors.”
As a result of the dismantling of Jim Crow Laws in the 50s and 60s – and the SUCCESS of the Civil Rights Movement, particularly in the 60s, the Republican party made it their #1 priority to stoke Fear, Hatred and Racial division in America, and then go after the fearful and angry WHITE vote.
It was a desperate, calculated, cynical and Racist move. It was also incredibly Evil.
But it’s the only way the GOP felt they could compete with the Dems!
So the party that my Southern Black great-grandparents, and millions of Black great-grandparents all over this country, had supported (because of Abraham Lincoln) by 1965 that same party became the party of White Fear, White Anger and White Tribalism.
And maybe I’m being a little too critical of Kinzinger . Aftercall, he did at least admit that “Tribalism is deeply ingrained” in the Republican party.
But Adam needs to be brave to call it exactly as it is. We’re talking about WHITE tribalism, rooted in irrational Fear, ignorance, bigotry and a FALSE sense of so-called “White Superiority.”
White tribalism IS indeed DEEPLY ingrained in the Republican party. The only difference now is that, thanks to Trump, the “base” (most of the party) is no longer hiding it!
We already know how Repubs and the Supreme Court got rid of abortion and are going after all those other things in this commitment to America. But the impeach Biden every week idea is all the way crazy. Marjorie Taylor Green is not all there if she thinks she can impeach Biden every week just to get back at Dems for impeaching Trump. They really need to get rid of these Mega and Qanon clowns in congress.
“They really need to get rid of these Mega and Qanon clowns in congress.”
That’s “Maga” BD…lol But yes, your entire response is On. Pont.
Btw – it was reported that Marjorie Taylor Green’s husband filed for a divorce las Wednesday (they married in 95 and have 3 adult kids)
Initially he asked that the at divorce proceeding be “sealed.”
However, by yesterday, “Greene filed a motion to withdraw his request for the sealing.”