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Incognito Makes Excuses For NFL Bullying

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Incognito Makes Excuses For NFL Bullying
Rookie harassment in professional sports has been par for the course for decades.  Getting coffee for veteran players, cleaning up after team events, or having to wear an embarrassing outfit while in public has been the norm in harmless fun between close knit teammates.  However, bullying charges against a Miami Dolphins star player has taken this rite of passage to a whole new level.

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Miami guard Richie Incognito, who is white, has been suspended from football for racist and threatening comments directed toward Miami tackle Jonathan Martin, a rookie who happens to be biracial.  Now, Incognito has taken to the airwaves to explain his actions, in an attempt to salvage a football career that could be in jeopardy.

The controversy exploded when Martin stormed out of the Dolphin’s locker room recently and quit the team, saying he could no longer withstand the consistent bullying from the team and particularly, Richie Incognito.

A voicemail from Incognito to Martin was recently made public and exposed the depth of the situation:

“Hey, wassup, you half (racial slur) piece of (expletive). I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. I’ll (expletive) in your (expletive) mouth. I’m gonna slap your (expletive) mouth, I’m gonna slap your real mother across the face (laughter). (Expletive) you, you’re still a rookie. I’ll kill you.”

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The now suspended Incognito has tried to downplay his words and behavior, calling it overblown in an attempt to save his and the Dolphin’s reputation.

“This isn’t an issue about bullying,” Incognito told Fox Sports. “This is an issue of my and Jon’s relationship. You can ask anyone in the Miami Dolphins’ locker room who had Jon Martin’s back the absolute most, and they’ll undoubtedly tell you me.

“All this stuff coming out, it speaks to the culture of our locker room, it speaks to culture of our closeness, it speaks to the culture of our brotherhood,” Incognito continued. “And the racism, the bad words, that’s what I regret most, but that’s a product of the environment and that’s what we use all the time.”

Incognito’s racist hazing of rookies is only the tip of the iceberg.  A recent video of Incognito in a bar shows him freely using the “N” word without shame.  Also, new charges allege he has extorted tens of thousands of dollars in “protection money” from rookies over the years.  What’s worse is that these burly players were actually scared into cowering to Incognito and others, paying up and doing whatever they were told for their own safety.

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The news regarding Incognito vs. Martin became public and caused an outcry, but it is nothing new. This environment of bullying and hazing has been out of control in the NFL for years.  The real problem is not necessarily Richie Incognito, but the coaches and superiors in the sport who have allowed hazing activities to fester and grow out of control.  In the case of Jonathan Martin, ESPN’s Skip Bayless said the coaching staff allowed it as their way of “toughing him up.”  Hmmm…

Make no bones about it, the culture of an NFL locker room has now been exposed and the NFL as a whole is now on notice.

OK WASSUP! follows the latest trends in sports and current events, including bullying charges levied against Miami Dolphins player 
Richie Incognito.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I've been following this story a few days and the NFL is out of control. I saw black players get on TV and say its normal for white players to use the N word in the locker room for motivation. That I don't agree with. And you're right DJ their coaches allow it and even encourage it. The commissioner has to get involved and put a stop to this because the problem is bigger than Rich Ingognito.

  2. Cosign with both DJ and BD.

    And I have to say: Though I was never a pro-football "fan" I would catch a few minutes of a game, here and there, especially when Peyton Manning is playing.

    But this sorry story (and all that's been exposed about the NFL culture) has so disgusted me (in addition to the breaking news about Tony Dorsett being diagnosed with CTE) that I honestly dont know if I'll ever watch even a few minutes of pro-football again.

  3. He said this stuff because there were a lot of weak people on this team who rather have money then raise up on this chump. It is nothing worse than a person who sells themselves for money.

    Learn to be a human being don't allow money to dictate the level of respect you receive from others.

    I don't buy any merchandise from the NFL. The owners are racist and as I knew, so are the team members. I don't pay people to disrespect me. These are low self esteem fools and this is why even with the few pennies they make, they end up no better off. Your dignity and self respect is always worth more than money.

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