Gay & Lesbian

Indiana Backpedals On Gay Discrimination Law

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Top News Today –
Indiana Backpedals On Gay Discrimination Law

UPDATE:  After enormous national backlash, Indiana’s Republican-led legislature has announced it will make changes to the religious freedom law that allowed businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians.  


When Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the controversial law allowing businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians on the basis of religious freedom, he had no idea that conventions, businesses and celebrities would flee the State of Indiana faster than a herd of pigs at an All-You-Can-Eat barbecue. Now, Gov. Pence is backpedalling and claiming the law was never intended to be discriminatory.

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Mike-Pence“Was I expecting this kind of backlash?  Heavens no!” Pence said earlier this week, after the CEO’s of 9 major companies penned a unified letter condemning the law and promising to distance themselves from the state until the law is fixed or repealed.

“Regardless of the original intention of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, we are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees and on the reputation of our state,” the executives of Angie’s List, Eli Lilly and others wrote in the letter. “All of our companies seek to promote fair, diverse and inclusive workplaces. Our employees must not feel unwelcome in the place where they work and live.”

The CEO’s of Yelp, Apple, NCAA, PayPal, Starbucks and NASCAR have all joined in support of the Twitter hashtag #BoycottIndiana. Angie’s List immediately halted expansion plans in the state, while Connecticut Gov. Daniel Malloy joined the mayors of Seattle and San Francisco in signing an executive order banning travel to Indiana.  Even the Indianapolis Star published its newspaper with the headline FIX THIS NOW!

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest blasted Pence, saying the governor has tried to “falsely suggest” that Indiana’s law simply mirrors a federal religious freedom law signed by President Bill Clinton.  Earnest made it clear that those claims are “not true” because the Indiana law is “a much more open-ended piece of legislation that could reasonably be used to try to justify discriminating against somebody because of who they love.”


“We see business leaders saying that they are reluctant to do business in a state where their customers or even their employees could be subjected to greater discrimination just because of who they love,” Earnest said. “That’s not fair. It’s not consistent with our values as a country that we hold dear.  And I think that’s what has provoked the strong outcry, and I think it’s what has provoked the previously defiant governor to consider a position of changing the law.”

Top News Today
After masking the gay discrimination bill under the guise of “religious freedom” then covertly signing it into law, Gov. Pence has since played ignorant to the national response, openly asking why the entire nation is so up in arms over his innocent little law.  However, with the state bleeding businesses and money, Pence is beginning to backpedal.

“It would be helpful to move legislation this week that makes it clear that this law does not give businesses a right to deny services to anyone,” Pence said in a press conference on Tuesday. He insisted the problem isn’t the law itself but how it’s being perceived, saying a fix is needed only because of “frankly, the smear that’s been leveled against this law.”

Yeah, right!

Interestingly, the State of Arkansas, which had introduced a similar religious freedom bill, is now acting quickly to change the language of the law so as to prevent it from receiving the same backlash as Indiana. “We want to be known as a state that does not discriminate, but understands tolerance,” Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said. “We just didn’t get it perfect through that legislative process.”



OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today, 
including Indiana Gov. Mike Pence backpedaling on his state’s 
controversial gay discrimination law.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. HAH. Thank you DJ. I was hoping you would do a follow-up to the initial story that you posted on this topic just before Pence signed their "Right To Discriminate" bill into law.

    You have made my day…Lol

    Btw- JEB BUSH – another Repub joke of a presidential candidate- had expressed his total support for the *Right To Discriminate* bill PRIOR to the enormous BACKLASH the Repubs are now confronted with from the public and a growing number of BIG bussineses (which btw had warned the Repubs "IF YOU DO THIS YOU'LLHAVE H*LL TO PAY") – now appears to be CHANGING his tone. And predictably so.

    Jeb Bush appeared to modify his public comments about Indiana’s “religious freedom” law on Wednesday in a closed-door Silicon Valley fund-raiser, telling a small group of potential supporters that a “consensus-oriented” approach would have been better at the outset.

    Mr. Bush’s comments were strikingly different in tone and in scope from what he said on Monday night in an interview with the conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. In that interview he praised Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana for doing the “right thing” and said that the new law was similar to one in Florida and to a law signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993. [….] .

    Yep. The "NOT-Too-Bright" party has done it again.. Revealed themselves (to the World) as a collective bunch of fools, morons and haters….smh.

    Honestly, if those guys weren't SO dangerous, you could almost feel sorry for them because surely it has to hurt being SO STUPID…..smh!

  2. It seems as always that the insane are running the asylum. It would be very interesting to have those who discriminate as such, live for 7 years on the other side of their discrimination with all the things that come with being discriminated against. These so-called moral majority Christians would either kill themselves or those who discriminate against them. Well, Pence if nothing else is a true politician. He can't answer yes or no to a yes or no question.

  3. It's just past noon now here EST….

    And I've just heard about the news conference Indiana lawmakers held sometime this morning, announcing they have "FIXED" their Religious Freedom Law.

    Apparently they've added "new language to the law to clarify that the law does NOT allow businesses to deny goods or services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals."

    Reportedly, the new language "goes further than many observers thought it would, specifically including protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity."

    H/T: HuffPost

    I guess nothing says *Most Americans…especially BIG business…don't give a d*mn about right-wing Christianist BS* better than hundreds of million$ (if not BILLION$) of dollars in revenue leaving your state.

  4. Uh-Oh. …on a related note….

    Looks like Georgia Repubs have joined Indiana and Arkansas in back-pedalling as fast as their little feet can on their own "Right-To-Discriminate" bill, having run up against mounting opposition in their own state.

    David Bachman – Young Repub, Gay man and small business-owner:
    "this bill—and the lack of protections for gay and transgender people under Georgia state law—isn’t just anti-conservative values, it’s downright un-American.

    H/T: Georgia Unites Against Discrimination" –

    Needless to say, right-wing Christianists are coming unhinged!

    Erick Erickson
    "Having Killed RFRA, Georgia Republicans Are Now Launching a Direct Assault on Churches"

    Like I said- if they weren't so darn dangerous (and just plain hateful) , you could almost feel sorry for them.


  5. Haha I love seeing these Repubs run for cover with their tails between their legs. How stupid could they be to think they could get away with this. Like my dad use to say cash talks and bulls*it loving this!

  6. I already know I'm gonna get flamed for this but what's wrong with a business deciding who they want for customers? Lots of places decide they don't want customers who aren't wearing shoes or shirts. So what if they don't wanna do business with gay people. It should be their choice and their right who's money they want or not.

  7. And since you bring up the "wearing shoes or shirt" requirement….

    How does a busness requiring that customers adhere to a certain dress-code in orderr to receive services somehow EQUATE with a business denying services to potential customers based on that customer's sexual orientation?

    Honestly, that comparison has never made any sense to me.

    How is one's sexual orientation equal to what shirt or shoes one chooses to wear. They two situations are NOT even remotely similar or the same.

    Btw- where do you stand on a business choosing NOT to serve someone of a different race? or ethnic group?

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