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Inside Job: Was The Capitol Hill Coup An Accident?

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Was last week’s attack on the US Capitol a fluke protest gone bad, or an inside job?

Top News Today
Donald Trump may hold the nuclear codes, but, he has already pressed the nuclear button. He lost court battle after court battle to seize the American election and resume power as a dictator. So, his last-ditch effort came last Wednesday with the MAGA terrorist attack on Capitol Hill.

inside job

Democratic and Republican lawmakers are collectively angry today. Not exclusively because they had to hide under desks last Wednesday while fearing for their lives because of a mad MAGA mob that came within mere feet of harming them. No! They’re angry because congressional investigations have begun to show that the Capitol Hill coup was an inside job.

Let’s take a look at what we know so far:

~ Out of 2,200 available Capitol police officers, only 500 officers were called in to work on Wednesday to protect a building where the Vice-President of the United States, the Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority Leader, and every elected representative and senator in the country were gathered.

Inside Job
Former House Sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving
Former Senate Sergeant-at-arms Mike Stenger

~ The lone agency responsible for protecting the entire legislative branch of government watched thousands of Trump’s MAGA mob gather for an hour outside The White House, receive orders from Trump to march to Capitol Hill to “Stop The Steal,” then did absolutely nothing to prepare as thousands headed toward the building where the entire government line of succession was meeting.

~ Certain Capitol Police officers were captured on tape opening gates and doors to The Capitol and freely allowing rioters inside without recourse.

~ Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell called for the IMMEDIATE resignations of the Capitol police chief and the Sergeant-at-arms of the House and the Senate for a reason.

~ A retired lieutenant colonel and other former members of the US military and multiple off-duty police officers were found to be active participants in the MAGA mob.  In fact, the woman who was killed was an Air Force veteran.

~ The terrorists were able to find the SECRET and unmarked office of House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn because someone knowledgeable directed them there.

Further, why did the US Secret Service recently decide they will remove all (Trump) agents from White House detail on January 20th and replace them with agents who previously worked with Joe Biden while he was vice-president?

Also, why is Donald Trump leaving Washington on January 19th and skipping the inauguration? Could it be he knows a much bigger and more violent melee’ by his MAGA idiots is planned for Joe Biden’s big day?

The answers to these questions are very clear. This was NOT some fly-by-night show of force but an inside job. The MAGA mob showed up in riot gear, wearing gas masks, and carrying twist-tie handcuffs. Off-duty police officers loyal to Trump flashed their badges in order to slip security and gain entry into The Capitol. Despite the large and confusing structure housing both the House of Representatives and Senate, the terrorists were still able to find specific Democratic offices and wreak havoc. But, how?

The answer came on Monday when 2 Capitol police officers were suspended and at least 10-15 other officers were placed under investigation for their roles in the riot.

According to CNN, one of those officers was seen taking a selfie with rioters in the MAGA mob while another officer wore a “Make America Great Again” hat for identity and directed terrorists around the building.

Inside Job

Also on Monday, credible threats against the lives of president-elect Joe Biden, vice-president-elect Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and against state capitals in all 50 states were discovered ahead of next week’s inauguration.

So, what’s really going on here?

According to 2 two NATO intelligence officials, Donald Trump had implicit support among US federal agencies responsible for securing the Capitol complex.

“We train alongside the US federal law enforcement to handle these very matters, and it’s obvious that large parts of any successful plan were just ignored,” the official said.

“The defeated president gives a speech to a group of supporters where he tells them he was robbed of the election, denounces his own administration’s members and party as traitors, and tells his supporters to storm the building where the voting is being held. The supporters, many dressed in military attire and waving revolutionary-style flags, then storm the building where the federal law-enforcement agencies controlled by the current president do not establish a security cordon, and the protesters quickly overwhelm the last line of police. The president then makes a public statement to the supporters attacking the Capitol that he loves them but doesn’t really tell them to stop,” the official continued.

“Today I am briefing my government that we believe with a reasonable level of certainty that Donald Trump attempted a coup that failed when the system did not buckle,” he concluded.

According to USA Today, the National Guard — which was heavily deployed during Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 — did not show up to assist the undermanned Capitol police for 2 hours.

In fact. not only did the Pentagon not have troops or National Guard units standing by at the ready, but evidence shows that the Department of Defense was also derelict in responding to urgent requests to deploy forces.

During a press conference last Thursday, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said he tried in vain to get top-level DoD officials to authorize sending in the Maryland National Guard to counter the insurrection, but they did not answer his multiple phone calls.

Inside Job

On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that the “Pentagon placed tight limits on the D.C. National Guard ahead of pro-Trump protests this week, trying to ensure the use of military force remained constrained.” Additionally, officials “prohibited the District’s guardsmen from receiving ammunition or riot gear” and taking other specific actions that would have helped them protect the Capitol.

The Post also reported that the Army denied a request by the chief of the Capitol Police for backup troops.

Is it becoming clear what happened here? Blood is thicker than water. Or, in this case, white supremacy and the desire to retain majority control are more important than democracy or that silly little document known as the constitution.


“This week’s Trump terrorist attack was not random. It wasn’t an accident. It was planned, aided, and abetted by certain members of the police, the military, and the Republican party. And it was only the dry run. This violent attack is not over…” – Michael Moore

The lack of preparation from security officials was not a simple bureaucratic miscue. It was intentional.  Donald Trump deliberately and violently attempted to overturn a bonafide US election and now we know that several federal law-enforcement agencies and officials loyal to Trump helped facilitate the attempt.  This was, plain and simple, an inside job.

So, if anyone thinks January 6th was bad, just wait until the inauguration on January 20th — or beyond. Or, in other words, January 6th was only the beginning. The worst is yet to come.

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Was the Capitol attack an inside job?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. And with ALL of the evidence laid out before you, in Great detail…Your honor, the prosecution rests!!!

    DJ my friend…you really outdid yourself with this one. Wow!

    Well done. Well done…{Applauding}

  2. Politico:

    Some of those incidents were raised on a 3.5-hour caucus call by House Democrats on Friday, demanding an investigation not only into the decisions by the Capitol Police leadership but by some rank-and-file officers caught on camera. But the lawmakers also raised general concerns that the rioters had some sort of outside help not necessarily attributable to the Capitol’s police corps.

    Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) told his colleagues he thought the riots were “an inside job,” according to two lawmakers on the call.

    House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) mentioned that looters had found their way to his unmarked, third floor office and stole his iPad. He questioned how they could locate that office but not his clearly marked ceremonial office in Statuary Hall. Later, another Democrat on the call, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) specifically raised the question of possible collusion among some Capitol Police officers, according to several people listening.

    In an interview airing Sunday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said she believes some Capitol Police officers aided the rioters and may have helped steer them once inside the building, calling it “one of the most troubling things” about the assault.

    “I am very sad to say that I believe that there were people within the Capitol police and within the Capitol building that were part of helping these insurrectionists to really have a very well-coordinated plan for when they were going to come, how they were going to come,” Jayapal said on Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren.”

    Pressed further on whether some Capitol Police officers were not just looking the other way but actually involved, Jayapal said, “It appears that way, both from what happened, how coordinated it was, how easy it was.”

  3. If there is one thing I’ll give Trump credit for it’s this – as a result of his presidency, the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth is finally being REVEALED about America. My country. The land I love.

    And if the *group* who truly runs this country (and other major parts of the world) hate Trump for anything…they hate him first and foremost for that. His words, his actions, his inactions – that serial-lying, totally incompetent, narcissistic, illiterate, FAKE alpha man-Child has caused the cloaks of American secrecy to be pulled off of so many *Hidden* people, places and things.

    No joke. I almost want to thank him from the bottom of my heart because the truth is, were it not for his presidency so much would still be hidden from the American people…especially White America. But now, thanks to him, no one with an ounce of integrity, who wants to be taken seriously, can deny what is clearly right in front of Our own eyes.

    We can SEE it all. White America can SEE it all. The world can SEE it all.

  4. So let me add this………

    It’s clear that the nation’s Capitol police department and other law enforcement agencies (and police departments all across this country) at ALL levels have been infiltrated by the AmeriKKKlan and other assorted white supremacist and white nationalist members. This AIN’T new. It’s been going on for quite awhile which explains a whole Helluva lot, going back to the Civil, Rights Movement and especially over the past 25-30 years. One need only step back and look at the whole picture.

    Those good ole boyz figured out how to kill Us legally w/the protection of the shield. But they never saw cell phones w/video-recording capability coming. And that invention is seriously complicating matters for them.

  5. My apologies to the regular commenters here for my absence. You might remember I live in DC. To say tensions here have been elevated would be an understatement. Today’s post is spot on correct. The events on last Wednesday was 100 per cent an inside job. Those of us with an eye and ear on the street know it as fact. My crew and myself were on the streets that day. We did not participate in anything but we saw everything unfold. They bussed racist white boys in from every part of the country and it was all very organized. They were staying in our hotels and eating in our restaurants acting like they owned the city. They knew what they were doing because they had help on the inside. People in the city now are afraid. Nobody knows who’s who. The problem goes from the capitol police all the way to the top. This has been brewing for a while and there is going to be more problems coming. Now they know how my people feel about not trusting cops. 
    We won’t be getting involved in white boy battles. But trust and believe we are ready to defend our own if it comes to it.

    1. We won’t be getting involved in white boy battles. But trust and believe we are ready to defend our own if it comes to it. […]

      And let the Church say AMEN.

      Saleem you were missed but we do understand. Glad you’re back safe and sound.

    2. Be careful out there Saleem and be smart. It is always good to hear your updates from a local perspective.

  6. And let me end with this…………..

    Based on appearance, my initial assumption of the insurrectionists was that they were mostly poor (and working-class) white racists. However, based on news reporting, more than a few arrests thus far are of “wealthy” white men.

    Btw- This discussion came up this morning on Joe Scarborough’s morning show. And the question was asked:

    WHO actually has the most to LOSE with Trump booted from the White House? (in terms of wealth, income, social-status and power)

    Here’s a hint: It ain’t poor and working-calls whites – though they’ve reliably voted AGAINST their own interests since Reagan. The rich, Super-rich and powerful have the most to lose.

    So now I wonder how many of the insurrectionists are in the upper-income group? I suspect, a significant number.

    1. I have to admit I was thinking this way too. But these are not trailer trash people. They are all the same racists we are around every day but don’t know it.

      1. But these are not trailer trash people. They are all the same racists we are around every day but don’t know it. {..]

        BINGO! But we know it now.

  7. Leviathan Vs. Kraken

    What do these fools hope to accomplish? “Demand freedom”? “End the corruption”? Empty words. Are they coming out with their guns to frighten people? What they’re going to do is draw down the full weight of the state onto them — and for what?  

    There is nothing good, pure, noble, heroic, patriotic, or godly about any of this. And among other things, it’s dumb as hell. 

    People are going to destroy their lives. This is not a game. […] – Rod Dreher, TAC editor, Jan. 12, 2021

  8. Nicholas Grossman, a professor who teaches about national security writes:

    To: “the QAnon community, and others involved in storming the Capitol”:

    You cheered on lawyers who said they’d release the Kraken. But now you’ve poked Leviathan. 

    What does that mean? Excerpts: 
    The Deep State is real, but it’s not what you think. The Deep State you worry about is mostly made up; a fiction, a lie, a product of active imaginations, grifter manipulations, and the internet. I’m telling you this now because storming the Capitol building has drawn the attention of the real Deep State — the national security bureaucracy — and it’s important you understand what that means.  

    You attacked America. Maybe you think it was justified — as a response to a stolen election, or a cabal of child-trafficking pedophiles, or whatever — but it was still a violent attack on the United States. No matter how you describe it, that’s how the real Deep State is going to treat it.  

    The impact of that will make everything else feel like a LARP. […] 

    H/T: Rod Dreher, TAC, Jan. 12, 2021

  9. (conclusion) QAnon Woke Up the Real Deep State

    U.S. code defines “sedition” as using “force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.” That’s what you did. And the legal process you tried to stop is one of the most important in American democracy.  

    Five people are dead, and it could’ve easily been more. You beat a police officer to death and injured others. You set up a gallows and chanted “hang Mike Pence.” While some goofy attention-seekers attracted the most focus at first, it’s increasingly clear that some who stormed the Capitol, likely members of far right militias, were searching for Vice President Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other national leaders, and would’ve killed them if they had the chance. That’s terrorism, fortunately thwarted by Capitol security and luck.  

    Compare that to, for example, riots this past summer. Looting is bad, but it’s a problem for police and insurance companies. Trying to burn down a police station or courthouse is worse, but that too is a law enforcement problem, perhaps one requiring federal assistance. Storming the Capitol, forcefully hindering the execution of U.S. law, and trying to kill top elected officials is a national security problem.  

    What you did was on another level, and the reaction will be too. [..] – Nicholas Grossman, Jan. 11. 2021. Arc Digital Media

  10. DJ I agree with Truth. You laid it all out on this one. When you look at the facts and how they are keeping a lot of information quiet about what happened last week, it makes sense they had people working on the inside. This thing was too organized for them to get in there so easy. Now they are talking about doing it again when Biden gets inaugurated. Plus I just saw on CNN they are threatening Dems going into the senate over the next few days. This is a national tragedy.

  11. “FBI arrests man who allegedly threatened to kill Pelosi’

    The FBI said Tuesday it has arrested a Georgia man in Washington, D.C., who allegedly threatened to kill Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).  

    An arrest warrant obtained by Atlanta CBS affiliate WGCL-TV revealed that a man identified as Cleveland Meredith was accused of sending several text messages to friends and family referencing a desire to harm Pelosi, as well as statements indicating that he was bringing a gun and ammunition to Washington, D.C.  

    In at least one text allegedly sent by Meredith and discovered on his phone by FBI agents, the sender talks about “putting a bullet in her noggin’ on Live TV,” referring to the Speaker. […] – The Hill. Jan. 12, 2021

  12. AP:

    Facebook is reportedly telling employees not to sport the company logo in public, after the social media site last week suspended President Donald Trump’s account and began taking tougher action against the phrase “stop the steal,” which has been used by Trump and his supporters to push false claims of voter fraud.

    “In light of recent events, and to err on the side of caution, global security is encouraging everyone to avoid wearing or carrying Facebook-branded items at this time,” Facebook told employees in an internal memo reviewed by The Information. The memo was reportedly posted to an internal workplace board by Facebook’s security team.

  13. CNN:

    The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.

    The news comes as security measures are being stepped up ahead of Inauguration Day, with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies preparing for the possibility of more violence after rioters stormed the US Capitol last week leaving five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer.

    Even as federal investigators continue to track down suspects from last week’s attack, the bulletin highlights concerns that the US Capitol siege was perhaps just the beginning of potentially violent actions from supporters of President Donald Trump who have been animated by his lies about a stolen election.

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