An interracial couple is being dragged through the mud over their… ahem… ‘dog’ wedding.
Tra’ Alexander, a Black man, and his bride, Markinzie, a White woman, were all smiles when they recently said “I Do” before racing to their wedding reception to celebrate their united love. However, social media was not smiling when they saw a Tik Tok video of the Black groom entering the reception on all fours — while wearing a dog collar and being led around on a leash by his new White wife.

Interestingly, the interracial couple from Gallatin, Tennessee, burst into the reception to the sounds of George Clinton’s Atomic Dog. The groom appeared immediately subservient and obedient to his wife, crawling around like a canine on the animal end of the dog leash and even dancing on all fours. However, at one point, the groom sat back on his haunches and stuck out his tongue, as if he were a panting dog in heat. Then, reassuming a pup’s position on his hand and knees, he planted his face into his blushing bride’s pelvic region and mimed urinating on her leg.
Although many viewers saw the antics of the interracial couple as some sort of bondage/kink roleplay, others were quick to point out how demeaning the racist “skit” appeared to be and how degrading it was to Black people collectively.

The wedding story has since gone viral. In fact, the response was so damning that it prompted the interracial couple to speak out directly and offer an “explanation.”
According to Alexander, dancing like a dog to George Clinton’s Atomic Dog is a tradition that originated with his father and has been passed down within his family.
“The song itself means something to me and my family,” Alexander said.
He then explained that the dance was designed to poke fun at his bride, who had been trying to get him to marry her for 6 years.
“It was showing that she finally got me. There was nothing like ‘Oh, well that’s my slave owner,’” he added.
He then uploaded another TikTok video showing him and his sister performing the dance as a family.
“This is [my] family song, you know, full of gratitude and heritage. [My dad] made his own dance for it [a] long time ago. And ever since, it’s been passed down to my oldest sister and then me. So I don’t really care about the comments. They don’t know me,” Alexander concluded.

Needless to say, the internet was not at all amused or understanding of his explanation and they had no problem letting him know it. They were also quick to point out that perception is everything — and how the optics of a White woman leading a Black man around on a dog leash is instantly demeaning regardless of the intent.

Was the interracial couple correct to hold their wedding and reception in the way that they saw fit? Or, was the internet correct to call them on the poor optics of their wedding stunt and point out how it could be interpreted as racist?
OK WASSUP! discusses Lifestyle News:
An interracial couple and their ‘doggie’ wedding.
In addition to feeling a little sick to my stomach and being nearly speechless…..
I’m deeply heart broken by the fact that that young Black man, or ANY Black man, would be SO ignorant and lacking even a modicum of Self-respect to know that THAT is NOT okay!
I had a dear uncle (now deceased) who used to say:
“I don’t care what Abraham Lincoln said, We Ain’t Ready!”
“bro just set us back a hundred yrs”
“This wasn’t The Dream Martin was talking about.”
Pretty much says it all doesn’t it.
This is the worst foolishness I have seen in my life. Then he called it a tradition his father started. That is not a tradition if only one person did it before you. That just means they are both ignorant. Tennessee black folk have some explaining to do.
“That is not a tradition if only one person did it before you. That just means they are both ignorant. Tennessee black folk have some explaining to do.”
Seriously BD, it gives new meaning to the word “BACKWARD”…smh!