Remember a time when the paper boy would deliver the morning newspaper, while gentlemen from coast to coast would sit perusing through the day’s news over their morning cup of coffee? Well if you long for those old days (minus the paper), you’re in for a treat.
Yesterday, Rupert Murdoch made it official and launched his iPad-only news magazine called THE DAILY. This NEW news will offer “the best of traditional journalism” with “the best of contemporary technology.” Expect 360 degree photos, a magazine-like reading interface allowing you to flip through pages, a “carousel” that provides a higher-level view of pages for easier browsing, as well as tons of multimedia content pushed directly to the iPad every day.
The Daily will also come in an audio version, complete with professional voiceover and not some robotic sounding voice, as well as video overviews of all the content, just in case you don’t have time for reading or listening. Sports fans will get full schedules and news updates for any team they like. And you can even share portions of your favorite stories on Twitter or Facebook to allow others to read along for free via the web.
How much for all this fun, you ask? THE DAILY is priced at $.99 per week or $39.99 annually and is already available in the Apple App Store now. As an interesting bonus incentive, the first two weeks of THE DAILY will be provided courtesy of Verizon, as they prepare to launch their version of the iPhone next week.