The Catholic Church is under increased fire after a single incorrect word during a religious ceremony led to years of invalid baptisms.
Rev. Andres Arango of Phoenix is only the latest in a boatload of priests over the years who have had their baptisms invalidated by the Catholic Church simply because they mistakenly changed a word during the baptismal ceremony.

According to Catholic tradition, priests are supposed to say “I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” However, Father Arango (and dozens of other priests over the years) erroneously said “WE baptize you…,” which, according to Catholicism, makes the baptisms invalid.
Now, Catholics and others around the world are pushing back against the church for allowing semantics and a mere pronoun malfunction to deem dozens of ceremonies over dozens of years as ‘invalid baptisms.’
“The words are decidedly secondary to the actions of using water, blessing, and welcome as visible signs of the grace of belonging,” noted theologian Mary E. Hunt said.
“This is so infuriating. Devout Catholics and priests who actually try to follow the Gospels should not be punished by a bunch of clerical nitpickers with too much power and too little compassion,” said NBC News.
Father Arango, who was a beloved leader of his church has since resigned and left the church over the mistake. However, the Catholic Church — which has faced a steep drop in membership over the past few years — might want to reconsider if a single accidental word is worth dismissing devout Catholics by invalidating their baptisms.
OK WASSUP! discusses Christianity:
Catholic Church under fire for invalid baptisms.
[Father Arango, who was a beloved leader of his church has since resigned and left the church over the mistake. However, the Catholic Church — which has faced a steep drop in membership over the past few years — might want to reconsider if a single accidental word is worth dismissing devout Catholics by invalidating their baptisms.]
Umm DJ…there you go Again being much too kind…smh!
If I may add this little bit so that it reads:
However, the Catholic Church — which has faced a steep drop in membership over, at least the past 20 years DUE TO RAMPANT GAY PEDOPHILES SERVING AS PRIESTS FOR DECADES FINALLY BEING EXPOSED — might want to reconsider if a single accidental word is worth dismissing devout Catholics by invalidating their baptisms.
You know (pause) I usually try to stay away from criticizing the faith/religion of others because it’s sensitive topic and rightly so!
However (sigh!) – it seems the Catholic Church, in particular, keeps doing crazy stuff that BEGS for public attention and criticism, if not outright condemnation. THIS is another example of such nonsense (“allowing semantics and a mere pronoun malfunction to deem dozens of ceremonies over dozens of years as ‘invalid baptisms.’)
That said. Even I know the proper words are: “I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
And I’m not Catholic.