Investigation: Fox News Is Full Of Lies
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Investigation: Fox News Is Full Of Lies
Surprise! A new analysis of Fox News has discovered that the conservative television news network is the #1 leader in lying to the American public.
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Punditfact, which consists of a partnership between the Tampa Bay Times and Politifact.com conducted the analysis, creating scorecards on the accuracy of major TV news networks. As of January, more than 60% of the so-called “facts” reported by Fox News were false. In fact, Fox handily beat out CNN and MSNBC for the amount of falsehoods broadcasted. Their reputation of falsehoods is so bad, that Bruce Bartlett, a top Republican from the Reagan White House has gone public with his belief that Fox News is bad for the Republican Party.
Fox News has always been notorious for its particular brand of falsehoods. In a report debunked by Snopes.com, Fox News falsely told it’s viewers that the network won the right to lie in court — a claim based on a court case that involved a local Fox affiliate. The network also convinced its followers that it was banned in Canada for lying. Sill, that’s nothing, as the network reached a new low after if claimed neighborhoods and even entire cities were off-limits to non-Muslims during Islamic-extremist terrorist attacks in Europe earlier this year. Despite offers of proof from British Prime Minister David Cameron and others that the information was false and preposterous, fans of Fox continued to repeat the claim and believe what they wanted to believe.
Punditfact divided Fox’s on-air falsehoods into categories, from claims that are mostly false (21%), those that were completely false (31%), and the most blatant lies, which are termed “Pants On Fire” (9%).
In response to the outright lies Fox News regularly presents to its viewers, Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” put the network’s fibs into perspective: “It’s recommended you only watch Fox through a tiny pinhole poked in a piece of cardboard. You can’t look directly at Fox. It will indelibly burn your soul!”
OK WASSUP! covers current events of the day,
including a new analysis that Fox News is full of lies.
You said it right DJ, this is no surprise. Fox is like one of those cults where people get caught up and don't realize what they're doing.