The recent Iowa school shooting has brought out the absolute worst in Donald Trump and proven once and for all that he is a dispassionate and soulless devil.
Current Events :
Last week, 17-year-old Dylan Butler opened fire inside the Perry High School cafeteria in the small town of Perry, killing 11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff and wounding 2 staff members and 4 teenage students. The shooter, who is believed to have been bullied for several years, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Understandably, the families of Ahmir Jolliff and Dylan Butler are beyond heartbroken. Additionally, the teenage students of Perry High School as well as the children attending the adjacent Junior High School are emotionally scarred. Everyone is in need of comfort.
Enter Donald Trump.
On Friday, Trump took his campaign circus to Sioux Center, Iowa, where he decided to include the Iowa school shooting in his remarks.
He began by offering his thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. However, his speech took an immediate nosedive when ‘The Donald’ told the gathered crowd that although the Iowa school shooting was “terrible” and “horrible,” they all needed to “Get over it!”
“We have to get over it. We have to move forward. We have to move forward,” Trump said verbatim.
A little boy was killed in the Iowa school shooting less than a week ago — yet Trump has already told the victims and their families that it’s high time for them to “Get over it?”
Every other US president and former president has acted as “consoler-in-chief” when offering comfort to victims of gun violence and domestic terrorism. Donald Trump is the lone exception.
Clearly, his remarks were meant to impress gun lovers and members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) who have vehemently opposed gun control after almost every US shooting tragedy. Or, in other words, Trump proved that the gun crowd is much more important to him than a grieving mother whose child was murdered mere days ago inside his school.

His tactless remarks should come as a surprise to no one. Last April, Trump called school shootings a “spiritual problem” and not a “gun problem” during an appearance before the NRA. This was only 4 days after a gunman killed 5 people in a Louisville, Kentucky, bank, and 2 weeks after a shooter killed 6 people, including three children, at a school in Nashville.
Interestingly, once he learned that the Nashville shooter was transgender, Trump and his cronies opted to blame medical care for transgender individuals and not guns or gun users. Oh, and now that it appears the Iowa shooter may have been LGBTQ, Trump and his ilk are mocking that bit of information, too.
Do we really want Donald Trump anywhere near The White House, ever again??
OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Donald Trump disrespects Iowa school shooting victims.
He sure is a piece of work.
The look on the face of the mother of that little boy who was killed says it all to me. The hurt, the pain, the grief and the loss.
My heart goes out to her!