Is Ferguson The Last Straw?
December 1, 2014
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Last week, Darren Wilson appeared in an exclusive interview on ABC pleading his case as to why the nation should believe he was simply doing his job and that everyone should forget about him and allow him to return to a regular life. Over the weekend, Darren Wilson resigned from the Ferguson Police Department amid threats of retaliation against his life. Upon announcing the end of his police career, Wilson said that resigning was the “hardest thing I ever had to do.” He never once mentioned that unloading his weapon multiple times and striking an unarmed teenager in the head while killing him as the “hardest thing I ever had to do.”
The lack of an indictment against Wilson by a District Attorney who clearly acted as if he was Wilson’s defense attorney rather than his prosecutor, has ignited a long overdue discussion of race relations, particularly between police and African-Americans, amongst an awakened black community that is making it clear — ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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Michael Brown was no saint. He was a large and intimidating kid who knew how to use his size to his advantage. Michael Brown should not have strong-armed a convenience store clerk to steal cigars. Michael Brown should not have been walking down the middle of the street and should have heeded the call to get on the sidewalk. Michael Brown probably should have been a more mature and calming pillar of his community instead of a wayward 18-year-old who sometimes made bad decisions. But Michael Brown didn’t have to die. Officer Darren Wilson didn’t have to shoot the kid he called a “monster” multiple times until he was deceased. Michael Brown didn’t have to receive injustice from an unjust District Attorney who decided months ago that he would stack the deck against any possibility of a grand jury approving an indictment against the white police officer who killed the large black kid.
Michael Brown is no martyr. In fact, he’s probably not the best choice any Hollywood studio would select as the face of this overdue movement. However, in the era of Amadou Diallo, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and a host of others killed while being black, Michael Brown may have just been the last straw.
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Thank you for doing this post DJ. I had a feeling you'd go there after the holiday. You made a lot of great points as usual, but the biggest was this conversation is way over do. Too many black men are getting killed by police or wannabe police (George Zimmerman) then getting away with it. What we're seeing in Ferguson right now is the pot boiling over from all the past BS and police racism all rolled into one. Driving while black and all that type BS we've been putting up with for years all came to a head the day they shot Mike Brown. Hell no he's no saint but he damn sure was the last straw. America needs to wake up because there's a big problem on our hands.
@DJ and BD….
We need more support for our law enforcement. These people do not get paid enough to put up with all the S#*& that they have to put up with. They put their lives on the line for us day in and day out. Where would our country be without good law enforcement? Looking at the middle east ought to give you a good idea. Give them a break. No, give them some credit!
Wow! I just watched a news story on ABC about this. I wanted more information. I like what you had to say DJ, and I agree. If there is a silver lining to all this I hope it is improved monitoring and tracking of the police force so that we can improve or get rid of Darren Wilson. I think all officers should be wearing body cameras, and have the monitors on their guns that report and track every time they are removed from the holster or fired. This is day and age, there is no reason for an officer to be without this technology.