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THE iPAD NEWS(paper)?

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The printed newspaper is virtually dead. And web versions of the printed news are becoming passe’.  So, are you ready for the iPad news?

According to reports, Apple CEO Steve Jobs and News Corp. honcho Rupert Murdoch are teaming up to create “The Daily,” which would be a new print-free version of what we now call a newspaper, made exclusively for the iPad.

Very few people still read or subscribe to actual printed newspapers delivered to their home or business.  And a growing number of people are no longer bothering to go to dedicated web sites such as The New York Times or Wall Street Journal to read through Internet versions of the news, especially now that many charge for access.  But the tech-savvy Jobs sees an opening for something new amidst the dying news model, similar to how he saw the death of the CD in favor of digital music files.  If news can be to the iPad what music has been to the iPod, Jobs may just have another huge hit on his hands.  And isn’t this the sort of thing the iPad was built for anyway?

“The Daily,” which has been in covert development for many months, will not offer a print edition or even a Web edition. Instead it will be beamed straight to the iPad, for the amazingly low price of 99 cents per week.

Now how’s that for innovation?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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