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Iran War Was Predicted By Trump In 2011

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Did you know that the Iran war was predicted by Trump??

Current Events
Call him psychic, soothsayer, Miss Cleo, or whatever fits, but Donald Trump once told the world that the President of the United States would instigate a war with Iran just to boost his own political interests and to help himself get reelected.

Ironically, the year was 2011 and Trump was talking about President Obama and not himself at the time.

Iran War Was Predicted By Trump

Yes, Trump once made the accusation that Barack Obama would do what ‘The Donald’ himself is doing right now in 2020 as we speak.

Check out this video clip from Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” that adds a crystal ball and spooky music but is otherwise undoctored.  It clearly shows the Iran war being predicted by none other than Donald Trump himself — or either Trump stooping to the dirty tricks he erroneously predicted Mr. Obama would be low enough to do.






OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
The Iran war was predicted by Trump the Psychic??


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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