Comments on: Iranian Cultural Sites ‘Off-Limits’ Says Pentagon News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 13 Jan 2020 06:08:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Tue, 07 Jan 2020 19:01:30 +0000 Trump might need to worry about his own sites.

NY Post:
Senior Iranian officials are using Twitter to hint at threats against President Trump’s properties — including his Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida and Trump Tower in Manhattan — over the killing of Iran’s top military commander.

Hesameddin Ashena, a top adviser to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, tweeted a link to a Forbes magazine profile that listed the properties, none of which is fortified to withstand a military attack, along with a quote from the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

The tweet also included a link to a Business Casual video about his real estate empire.

“I tell the whole world that if the world wants to stand up to our religion, we will stand up against their whole world,” the quote read.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Jan 2020 18:17:21 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth you are exactly right. Except the one reason they do care about these sites in Iran is because they know if Trump bombs these places we are in for some terror like we never saw before.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Jan 2020 18:15:51 +0000 I forgot to say I am surprised Rand Paul said what he did in that video. He totally disagreed with Trump as much as he could do. You combine that with how the Pentagon military people have basically said there will be no bombs sent to cultural sites and you can see nobody is on the same page over there. But I do wonder what would happen if Trump gave the order to bomb a culture site, would they flat out tell him no and not obey the order?

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Jan 2020 18:12:23 +0000 This fool really is about to start world war III. Because if he tries to bomb any of those cultural places in Iran he will not only be committing a war crime but every crazy person in that region will be out to get us. See this is what happens when you put a man in the White House who only has yes people who do not tell him no. He thinks all he has to do is say he wants something and everybody will do it by magic. Bombing Iran is just making things worse and it is too bad nobody is around this crazy nut to tell him the truth.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 07 Jan 2020 17:45:38 +0000 And no matter how hard the Dems try to rally Americans to be outraged about Trump threatening Iran’s cultural sites, WE (meaning Black people) shouldn’t fool ourselves. Most of white America (especially those who vote) don’t give a fig about the cultural sites of other nations, especially nations in the Middle East and Africa (nations of Color).

Since when has the American government ever respected the sovereignty of other nations?…not named Israel or Saudi Arabia? Trump is not the first white president to act out his white supremacist fantasies, which are rooted in Fear. He’s just the most ignorant and amoral one.

You try to destroy ‘a people’ by destroying their culture (their shared histories, ideas, customs, traditions, language, way of life). Even their faith. Because you want to destroy what you Fear.

White men Fear Us (people of Color). They have always Feared Us. And they have always tried to destroy Us.

But they cannot do it. God won’t let them. WE are still….Alive.
