Comments on: IRENE! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:04:10 +0000 <span><span>Where does one began with the media, YET AGAIN, hyping the threat of a natural disaster???        Not to diminish in ANY way the tragic loss of at least 18 lives related to Hurricane Irene. Their lives were Precious and no doubt their loved ones will bare the burden of remembering just how deadly Irene turned out to be.        And not to diminsh in ANY way the billions of dollars worth of damage caused by this powerful storm.       But the truth is, by the time the so-called "Hurricane of the Century" took aim at North Carolina it was well on its way to losing its strength, reducing it to a very powerful Tropical Storm. And there's more than scant evidence indicating that the news media (and politicians) probably knew they were peddling pure HYPE going back as early as last Friday.       FRIDAY Aug, 26, 2011: Dr. Simons Atkins (CEO of Advanced Forcasting Corporation):         "The hype over Hurricane Irene is overblown. Air Force Reserve aircraft have found that Irene's eyewall has collapsed and the central pressure has risen..rising pressure means a weakining storm. The reduction in storm intensity likely confrims that this storm is NOT going to as monstrous as it's publicly being forcast to be. […]         Source: <span><span&gt <a href="http://;</span></span&gt;  ” target=”_blank”>;</span></span&gt;         Should the media (and politicians) have sounded the alarm? Yes, of course. But spare us the Apocalyptic "chicken-little" hysteria.        Just.Report.The.News. STOP.Manufacturing. It.       1. "Politicians, The Media and the Hurricane Irene Apocalypse That Never Was" </span>  </span><span><span>…</span></span><span> <span>2. A Hurricane of Hype</span>…</span>
