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Poor Sarah Palin.  She’s so irrelevant.

The former Republican governor of Alaska and VP candidate under John McCain, just can’t seem to find her footing.  She wants to run for president about as bad as a crack addict wants his next fix. But as the political clock continues to tick, Sarah Palin remains a popular personality with a very uncertain political future.

As the GOP’s most recent VP nominee, Madam Palin was once extremely high on the Republican totem pole.  But that distinction has all but slipped away with the emergence of Mitt Romney and now Rick Perry as the smarter and more exciting “new kids on the block.”  As the conservative voice of the average Republican joe, Madam Palin was once the darling of the Tea Party.  But that throne and crown has been seized by Michele Bachmann, who now seems to be the current cat’s meow.  For the person who was once applauded for her verbal gaffes, and given a free pass when her extremely limited knowledge was frequently explained away as the end result of a “Gotcha Question,” Sarah Palin is rapidly drifting into oblivion.  Sure, she remains a popular “personality.” But just like a former boy band that can still fill a concert arena, she will never win a Grammy again.

Let’s face it folks:  Sarah Palin is the proverbial Emperor with no clothes.  Except surprisingly, she actually knows it. Bristol Palin let the cat out of the bag several months ago when she told the press her mother had already made up her mind if she will run for president or not.  But Madam Palin continues to play the “I still haven’t decided yet” game, as she rolls across America on a political bus searching for signs of life for her fading political aspirations.  She’s tried everything from a failed reality TV show to unsuccessfully upstaging this past weekend’s Iowa straw poll.  But she just can’t seem to catch fire.  With the racially tinged chants of “We want our country back” beginning to emerge once again from the mouths of ultra conservatives, the Obama hate is at an all time high. These people are so anti-Obama, they recognize the cute and ditsy soccer mom act of Sarah Palin won’t have a chance in hell of defeating America’s first black president. So they’ve gotten focused, and are seeking a serious candidate with a fighting chance against the bully pulpit of the presidency, and the expected billion dollar campaign Mr. Obama has threatened to run.  Sadly for Sarah, she just doesn’t make the cut.

Poor Sarah Palin.  She’s so irrelevant.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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