Comments on: IS BACHMANN DUMBER THAN PALIN? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:16:41 +0000 <span>You know. Were it not for the fact that either of these 2 ladies (both, profoundly Unintelligent and woefully Unqualified for the Presidency) could possibly BE elected President, I’d be on the floor rolling with laughter…smh. </span><span></span><span>Which one is "dumber"..? Who knows?</span><span></span><span>Both women open their mouth and OUT comes the most idiotic blather, factually inaccurate *make up sh*t as you go along* and outright lies. But the truth is, NONE of that matters to the “anti-government radicals” and social reactionaries that make-up the Republican voting “base” these days. <span> </span></span><span> </span><span>(sidenote): Though "dumb" Bachmann may be. Romney underestimates her ability to appeal to a majority of Tea-Party folks at his own political peril.</span><span> </span><span>Likewise: The President underestimates Romney’s ability to appeal to a majority of Americans who are fed-up with this lagging economy at his own political peril. <span> </span></span>
