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At the stroke of midnight on Sunday, July 17, 2011, Casey Anthony became a free woman.

The 25-year-old Anthony, who was accused but found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee, was escorted off prison grounds yesterday by her attorney, headed for an undisclosed destination. Her parents did not allow her to return to living with them in their home, so it is believed her attorney’s are providing her with a secretive and safe location, at least until the checks start rolling in from her expected television appearances and movie and book deals.

Anthony received an armed police escort off prison property.  As her SUV pulled out of the jail’s parking lot, a crowd of more than 100 people surged against the police barricades, yelling “You suck!” and “A baby killer was just set free!”

Although Anthony may have been released from an official prison yesterday, she may have just been released into the public prison of her own real life — which may prove to be far more restrictive than the one she just left behind. With public sentiment so highly against the verdict that made Anthony free, she may never fully enjoy the true taste of freedom ever again.  Following death threats faxed to her attorney’s office only moments after the verdict was read which prompted concerns about her safety, Casey Anthony may never again enjoy a moment’s peace.  She may never again be able to take a walk down a busy street or on a sun-drenched beach; or drunkenly dance the night away in a local disco;  or rest in her own bed, without the need of a security person present.

Casey Anthony is out of jail.  But did she just walk right back into another one?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Her life will never been the same and I'm glad for it. Like you said DJ theres no way she can even go outside without worrying about getting attacked. This is all karma though. I hope she feels like shes back in jail for the rest of her born days.

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