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He may be no Walter Cronkite, but Jon Stewart of Comedy Central’s THE DAILY SHOW has quietly become perhaps the one and only “news source” for today’s younger generation.

Once upon a time, Americans faithfully relied on the 6 o’clock network news to be their one-stop source for the days events.  But with today’s 24 hour society and the advent of cable and internet news, the importance of network news is in rapid decline.  That’s where Jon Stewart comes in.  As host of the wildly popular THE DAILY SHOW, Stewart has found a way to turn boring political (and other) topics into a daily dose of “I’ve-gotta-have-it” for today’s generation.  His comedic take on exposing politicians for double-speak and double-standards is priceless, and has struck a chord among both young and old.  Is THE DAILY SHOW fast becoming America’s new “Evening News?”

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Recap – Week of 10/5/09
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Ron Paul Interview


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. DJ:Is THE DAILY SHOW fast becoming America's new "Evening News?"Geee I don’t know DJ??? Gimme a minute to think about it_(pausing a nano-second)_OF COURSE IT IS…LOL! And even though I’m laughing just thinking about the irony of it, the seriousness of the situation is not lost on me.I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it. Much of what passes for “news” these days, particularly on the 24/7 cable news stations, is over-hyped blather, exaggerated MISinformation, FAKE outrage, LIES, propaganda, and other assorted BS.I think most American are onto the GAME which is why most Americans DON’T watch cable news.Personally, I’ve gone from watching a weekly average of about 7 hours of cable news to a weekly average of about 30 minutes of news give or take 30 minutes.

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