While watching the Sunday morning political talk shows this week, I was struck by the number of conservatives and Republicans who are openly wishing for President Obama to fail
(this comes prior to the social networking site FACEBOOK being forced to remove a poll by one user, asking how many people hoped for Mr. Obama to be killed!). How do you actually WISH for the President of the United States to fail — or worse, be killed? That’s like saying because
I’M not in control of the vehicle, I hope this car crashes. Don’t Republican’s realize the high cost behind their high rhetoric — that if Mr. Obama fails we all fail? If he makes a mistake in foreign or domestic policy, sure the conservatives could chalk 1 up for themselves and have bragging rights to say “I told you so.” But what about the bigger picture of what the failure of the CEO of our country would actually mean
TO our country? Would a pilot sitting in coach wish for the active pilot flying the plane to fail, just so he could prove a point that maybe HE should have been behind the wheel instead? That would be lunacy!
I never voted for or supported George W. Bush, and I never really cared for his policies. But once he took on the Iraq war, I never HOPED for his failure. Because if HE failed, that meant WE ALL failed. That parents were being told their sons and daughters were killed in combat. That insurgents who posed as innocent civilians just so they could blindside one of our soldiers and kill them, would taste victory. I NEVER hoped George W. Bush would fail. For the sake of our country and for the sake of all of us, once he was all in I HAD NO CHOICE but to hope he succeeded. That WE succeeded. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, why can’t conservatives put patriotism over politics and do the same?