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Gabourey Sidibe, the break-out star of the hit movie PRECIOUS was heavily lauded for her star turning introductory performance in the role of the same name.  One year ago she was a college student in New York, and the next year she found herself sitting at the Academy Awards, nominated for the Best Actress award in the same category as Meryl Streep and other cinematic icons.  Overcome with the weight of the moment, “Gabby” called it a “once in a lifetime” experience.  But should she be taking those words literally?

There is no doubt that Gabby is an incredibly talented actress.  But what can/will Hollywood do with her size?  At an arguably 300+ pounds, are there roles made for a woman of her stature? Can a woman with her build continuously string together a career of movie and television roles over the long haul?  Or will she be forced to shed 100 or more pounds just for Hollywood survival?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. she got a showtime show and a new movie. but yeah shes too big to last in h'wood.

  2. If she wants to have any real chance at a lasting career in Hollywood_not just playing in "Black" movies, being type-cast or playing a steroetypical role_she will have to lose a lot of weight. That's just the nature of the beast.

  3. Personally I don't mind her size. I think they can find some roles for her in Hollywood. She's a good actress is all that matters.

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