You didn’t miss anything BD. You got it right.
And honestly, to me, the saddest part of all of this is how much young Black “gay”??? males, in particular, are so influenced by all the extreme clownish behaviors.
I put question marks there because I think so many young Black males who claim to be,”gay” aren’t in actuality gay at all. They are simply…
….incredibly lost!
]]>From 2015 to the present…and this topic, it seems, is even more relevant today, given the backlash against the LGBTQ community by the far-right in America.
We’re living in strange times, indeed (Sigh!)…But….
“Is a collective epidemic of national ignorance the true cause of this sustained non-acceptance?”
No, I don’t think so.
“Or are gays themselves largely responsible for their own flawed image and lack of wider acceptance?”
]]>The gay image is totally flawed. In case people forgot theres' a difference with being gay and being feminine. All these gay boys wanna do is dress up as a woman then expect everybody to accept that. GTFOH. As for Kordale and Kaleb if they broke up so what. At least they presented themselves as men and not sissies. I don't have a problem with gays but I'm not with all these males walking around trying to be females!!