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Only two days after snapping at an African student who seemed to ask a question about her husband (former President Bill Clinton) instead of her, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has once again found herself in the midst of controversy after suggesting on international soil that the 2000 Bush-Gore election was rigged.  In light of these back to back undiplomatic and embarrassing events, some Hillary critics and even supporters are beginning to whisper the question:  IS HILLARY CLINTON THE BEST CHOICE TO BE AMERICA’S TOP DIPLOMAT?

Speaking in the African capitol of Abuja, Clinton discussed the importance of free and fair elections, telling an audience of civil society representatives that the electoral system in Nigeria was lacking in “transparency and accountability.”  Then she drew a comparison to the situation in the U.S., saying “You know, we had all kinds of problems in some of our past elections, as you might remember,” she continued. “In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for president was the governor of the state. So we have our problems too.”
Almost immediately, those comments came under fire.  “When you criticize your own country as an official of that country it obviously undermines the authority of the government,” said Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow at the non-profit Cato Institute. “It casts a shadow on the legitimacy of the U.S. Government as we pursue our foreign affairs. I don’t think that helps.”  But The State Department came to the Secretary’s defense, saying Clinton was merely making the comparison to prove the point that despite the problems and disagreements in the U.S. election, there was still a peaceful transfer of power, and that it is better to accept a flawed result after a dispute rather than resorting to violence.
The position of Secretary of State has traditionally risen above politics. Former Secretaries Kissinger, Albright, and even Condoleeza Rice have all made concerted efforts not to insert themselves into the political fray, but as the face of American diplomacy, to remain at all times… diplomatic.  But when Clinton jealously barked in Africa that SHE was the Secretary of State and NOT her husband, then a day later intimated an American election was successfully rigged, Hillary has appeared more like the old politician fighting dirty in the trenches to win in the primaries rather than a seasoned and elevated diplomat.  At the time, her selection as Secretary of State seemed to be more of a political consolation prize to get her on board, rather than a powerful belief that she and she alone could best represent the diplomatic face of American foreign policy.  So as whispers abound, the question still remains:  IS HILLARY CLINTON THE BEST CHOICE TO BE AMERICA’S TOP DIPLOMAT?  You decide!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. She needs to go away & take bill with her maybe exile in africa

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