Comments on: IS HOMOPHOBIA GAY? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 08 May 2012 17:44:51 +0000 And on another related note…..TheDish: "Obama's Marriage Mess; Romney's Support For "The Homosexual Cure"A. Sullivan:"In the aftermath of the clearest yet revelation of Obama's exquisite non-position on marriage equality, the RNC is claiming that Romney's position on marriage is the same as Obama's."Weigel:"Romney's committed to a federal marriage amendment. Has Obama ever spoken about such an amendment? Yes. He was against it."Ezra Klein: "Obama’s real pitch to the gay community: He’s not Mitt Romney."A. Sullivan:But, given how little power the president has on marriage, that's enough for me. Romney is virulently anti-gay, and could not stand up to even the most rancid of homophobes in Bryan Fischer. His church, moreover, is brutal in its hostility. I have some personal experience of this. I dated an ex-Mormon several years ago. He went to BYU and as he ventured out to gay bars, the university sent out spies to track his movements. They intimidated and bullied him. When he tested positive for HIV, they disowned him. I went to his funeral. Even his family wouldn't show up. There are many Mormons fighting this, and I've been honored to speak with and to them over the years. But they are fighting against an institution which enshrines eternal male-female marriage in ways other faiths don't.I'm disappointed in Obama, but his leading from behind is not exactky a surprise at this point. And after the end of DADT and withdrawing from a legal defense of DOMA, he's done a huge amount. But the idea that there is some kind of equivalence between his cynical waffling and Romney's rank hostility to gay people's equality is preposterous. […]Read:

By: Truthiz Tue, 08 May 2012 13:49:53 +0000 <span>And on a related note….TODAY is the day.   FoxNews: "North Carolina voters take up amendment banning gay marriage"   For anybody who thought jobs and the economy had sidelined wedge issues this campaign year, think again. </span><span></span><span>In the latest sign the culture wars are alive and well, voters going to the polls in North Carolina on Tuesday will decide on a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage in the state. </span><span></span><span>While same-sex marriage already is prohibited by law, North Carolina is the only southern state that doesn't have that ban enshrined in its constitution. </span><span></span><span>Why the need now? State Sen. Dan Soucek, one of the primary sponsors of the proposed amendment, said he's pushing it out of concern for "the possibility of a rogue judge overturning the law."   Read:…</span>

By: Truthiz Tue, 08 May 2012 13:00:31 +0000 DJ:From the group that identified themselves as "highly straight" about 20% of them indicated a high level of same-sex attraction. Further, those that self-identified as highly straight but exhibited homosexual impulses were "significantly more likely than other participants to favor anti-gay policies; to be willing to assign significantly harsher punishments to perpetrators of petty crimes if they were presumed to be homosexual; and to express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects […] Uh-huh. Which, IMO, not only makes them despicable characters but also "Highly* dangerous.Frankly, I'm not the least bit suprised by the results of the studies. I've never understood WHY so-called "straight" or "highly straight" men seem to be SO obsessed with the sex lives of homosexuals? The irony being that many_if not MOST_of those "straight" or "highly straight" men claim to be devout "Christians" who attend church regularly. And many _if not MOST_are in positions of power (preachers, priests, politicians et al). And yet they seem to fixate on gay sex!?!I'm a woman. But I'm thinking that SURELY actual "straight" men…men who are confident in their own heterosexuality…prefer spending their time focusing on *Other* matters…WOMEN.
