Comments on: Is Trump Hillary’s Secret Weapon? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 21 Aug 2016 08:43:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monster in closet Sun, 21 Aug 2016 08:43:04 +0000 I will be honest and tell you that I haven't been keeping close tabs on all of it but I started reading some articles this evening. After a few of them regarding Trump, I started wondering to myself if he is really a democrat and wants Clinton to win. Maybe he thought the only way for that to happen was use his money and fame to run and then drop out at the end when it was too late. Then I thought to myself, "oh come on now, that is crazy, that couldn't really happen." The very next article was this one! So I'm not crazy!! Many people are thinking the same thing! So my next thought is, if he is a trogen horse (I'm still undecided if I believe that), than do we really want Clinton as a president either if she is that destructive and underhanded to get what she wants? Hmmm… Definitely an election year to be talked about frequently in the future.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Aug 2015 00:50:50 +0000 @DJ, BD and RWG- Now you guys have me considering (just a bit) the possibility that Trump actually IS in bed with the Clintons.

It wouldn't be beneath well…any of them. I guess time WILL tell.

But whatever the truth is, the GOP is screwed.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 24 Aug 2015 20:40:43 +0000 In reply to DJ.

"In the end, it will doom him."

Yes indeed. It's coming.

Thanks for sharing that soundbite DJ. One of those incredibly rare instances that I find myself in total agreement with a Repub.

By: Random White Guy Mon, 24 Aug 2015 20:36:25 +0000 Donald Trump is a dick. If you look up dick in the dictionary you'll see him. I don't trust Trump and I wouldn't be surprised if he was working for the Clinton's.

By: DJ Mon, 24 Aug 2015 18:01:31 +0000 Here's an interesting soundbite from Republican advisor Alex Castellanos on Donald Trump:

"The great weaknesses of the narcissistic candidate are his love of power and addiction to risk. If Donald Trump blows up a real estate deal, he loses the Empire State Building. If President Trump blows up our relationship with Russia, he could start World War III. Trump is selling us his swashbuckling, deal-making style. In the end, it will doom him."

My recent post Christians And Same-Sex Marriage
